Example sentences of "met with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz met with Özal on June 12 , although diplomatic relations between the two countries remained officially suspended .
2 Many of them ( they numbered over one million ) met with hostility from mainland French people who regarded them as more foreign than French .
3 The first draft also met with opposition at an EC Foreign Ministers ' meeting on June 17 when the United Kingdom , supported by Denmark and Portugal , called for the removal of a phrase in the preamble describing the treaty as " a new stage in the gradual process leading to a union with a federal goal " .
4 Marcellus met with opposition from conservative senators , who accused him of making Rome the object of envy , and of corrupting the populace with a taste for leisure and idle chat .
5 In 1750 the town sought to have a linen market set up but met with opposition from Richhill where a linen market had been flourishing .
6 This met with opposition from representatives from civil-law jurisdictions on the ground that it was incompatible with the possession vaut titre principle and had implications going beyond the field of leasing , and the Study Group eventually concluded that no progress could be made on this issue and limited the statement of priority to conflicts between the lessor and the lessee 's general creditors , subject to perfection of the lessor 's title in accordance with any public notice requirements of the applicable law .
7 Although not completely immune from failure its advantages were obvious ; despite this , initially it met with opposition from many of the old timers .
8 At all stages James met with opposition from Tories and Anglicans .
9 James also met with opposition from Tory magistrates .
10 However , the Convention eventually eschewed any notion of deposition , and settled on the view that James had abdicated , a decision that met with approval from Whigs as well as Tories .
11 Turquoise also met with appreciation in the New World .
12 When The Jokers was released , in 1967 , it met with praise on both sides of the Atlantic .
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