Example sentences of "feeling be that the " in BNC.

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1 However , the overall feeling is that the Jockey Club is genuinely concerned with helping the industry move forward and Haines should at least be a given a chance to show what he can do .
2 Wile I happily photograph the classical palm fringed beaches of this kind , my feeling is that the good tropical island photography requires that one chooses a scene of paradise which records the fact of perfect beauty , yet , at the same time , evokes the presence of humans .
3 ‘ My feeling is that the younger students are caught in a double bind between a lack of jobs if they leave and a squeeze on higher education if they stay .
4 The general feeling is that the narrator , although acutely alive to his environment , is detached and powerless in the face of its immensity .
5 Within the profession the general feeling is that the greater the degree of autonomy that can be given to teachers and schools , the more likely are they to accept responsibility for educational provision and become committed to improving its quality .
6 Yet , my feeling is that the spirits could bear my reproaches for bad advice a good deal more easily than men of flesh and blood to whom contusions and abrasions , the common result of argument , are very real sources of anguish .
7 The feeling is that the clubhead gets through beyond impact and literally does pull the right foot and right leg on through to make a finish .
8 ‘ But my feeling is that the winds of change are blowing through this club and that the old guard 's days are numbered . ’
9 But generally the feeling is that the appropriate sort of area for Greater York er in terms of the main linkages erm are is that defined in the Greater York study , which appeared to er find some support in the local government commission for example .
10 Their feeling is that the plan is treating a symptom , rather than the cause , and is designed to appease the tourist industry , rather than to help the environment .
11 ‘ I asked him to take a fresh look at the situation , because my gut feeling is that the decision that 's been taken is not the right one . ’
12 But my feeling is that the sort of run-of-the-mill , solid English composer , I say solid — they are not actually solid — but I mean the Harrison Birtwhistles , the Maxwell Davises of this world are some of the most interesting people in the world at the moment .
13 This view represented the thoughts of an ever-growing majority whose intuitive feeling was that the Merseyside plant was heading for total and irreversible closure with the loss of ten thousand jobs .
14 The general feeling was that the manual covered well the practice of the 1970s and early 1980s , but that a further manual to stimulate more modem and innovatory practice would be desirable .
15 The general feeling was that the report was fair and balanced , and that members could live with the ‘ unjust credit transactions ’ idea when the time came .
16 When in 1870 Prussia went to war with France the general feeling was that the French were the aggressors and that Bismarck might perhaps teach them a lesson .
17 I therefore wrote to express the hope that I had not appeared to expect him to intervene ; that I did not necessarily disagree with what he said ; and that my underlying feeling was that the Baldwin government , though apparently trying to get rid of a bad king , might damage the monarchy at a time when a great international crisis seemed to be upon us .
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