Example sentences of "show [conj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In damper areas Nostoc commune , a prominent blue-green alga , occurs widespread in plaques associated with bacteria , green algae , fungi and mosses ; in early spring their black , dried-out patches show where summer moisture will gather .
2 Perhaps surprisingly , although the figures show that UK membership has produced trading deficits , the extent of the deficits have not been as large as those of France and Italy .
3 Market indicators show that capital values in public houses have fallen in the past two years by between 50 per cent and 60 per cent .
4 The impact of behavioural change is notoriously difficult to quantify , but Hugh Aldous is convinced that steadily-rising profits and improvements in practically every financial indicator show that Robson Rhodes is on the right track .
5 The final items indicating Athenian warlike preparations rather earlier than Thucydides implies are the Athenian decrees moved by Kallias ( ML 58 ) which show that temple treasures in some demes were moved from exposed positions in Attica to the Athenian Acropolis ; the decree is as early as 434 .
6 Since all available records show that barn owls swallow small animal prey whole , the bone loss apparent in these figures must be the result of digestion .
7 Neven and Phlips ( 1985 ) show that price discrimination can occur in oligopoly , but that it disappears as the number of competitors increases .
8 New figures show that Severn Trent is Britain 's most profitable water company .
9 The Record Industry of America 's figures show that CD-A disc sales in the United States have remorselessly overhauled and eroded sales of vinyl recordings and are rapidly catching the booming cassette market .
10 Studies show that women workers on the average lose no more work hours because of illness than do men .
11 Surviving records show that land disputes were common , and mattered .
12 The appointment of a practice manager was regarded as important by a third of firms with over fifty staff and the findings show that management systems tend to be much better developed in firms where decision making is in the hands of a single practice manager rather than , for example , in committee meetings of the whole partnership .
13 Diminishing interest-rate differentials among the ERM 's core currencies ( see chart on page 100 ) show that currency speculators do not , for the time being , scent the system 's demise .
14 Here we show that NC protein of HIV-1 ( NCp7 ) and NCp7 mutants bind to DNA fragments representing proviral DNA sequences , forming stable complexes .
15 The figures show that manufacturing jobs in Scotland have declined by 257,000 since 1979 ( 42 per cent ) and by 28,000 , or 7 per cent , since last year .
16 Is the Minister alarmed that reports by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development show that United Kingdom investment per person in the manufacturing sector is the lowest , apart from that of Greece , in the European Community ?
17 As expected , the data show that income tax relief is highly regressive in absolute terms but slightly progressive relative to one 's income .
18 Meat and Livestock Commission surveys show that stocking rates and outputs of weaned lambs are substantially lower than obtained in the lowlands , 9.1 as compared to 11.4 ewes/ha and 427 as compared to 636 kg weaned lamb/ha yet the most profitable third of the recorded flocks attained an average of 10.4 ewes/ha .
19 But the sad experiences of thousands over the past three years show that home ownership is not always a path to happiness and contentment .
20 The Land Tax returns for 1780 show that John Prior , owner of the Ship public house at Oldford , held several properties which included ‘ 2 houses , Wid .
21 Before we conclude our discussion of context effects on word recognition , we will briefly mention two experiments which show that context effects also exist in visual word recognition .
22 They show that animals pre-exposed once to vinegar before a conditioning trial with this flavour consumed more vinegar on the test trials than did control subjects not given pre-exposure .
23 Official figures now show that adult training centres are full , partly because there are not enough centres and places , and partly because it has become increasingly difficult to place mentally handicapped people with firms on a full-time basis .
24 Tests in other transgenic plant species show that protein coats taken from viruses appear to confer protection against them .
25 They point to statistics which show that salt intake is ‘ far in excess of need ’ and may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults , and that if everyone reduced salt intake by half a teaspoon a day , it could save 40,000 premature deaths per year .
26 The figures for this year show that £20 million-worth of coal will be imported to Britain by the end of December — the equivalent of closing 20 average-sized pits and getting rid of between 20,000 and 25,000 miners by throwing them on the scrap heap .
27 The data for 1991 show that car ownership in Lothian is now 40% greater than 1981–85 average whereas accident casualties have fallen by around 8% .
28 However , US government papers , released under the Freedom of Information Act , show that President Eisenhower , his secretary of state , John Foster Dulles and , later , Presidents Kennedy and Johnson , all had misgivings about the Shah 's abilities .
29 Differences of style within the manuscripts containing the signature show that W. de Brail' worked with several other artists .
30 We show that FGF family members can stimulate limb mesenchyme proliferation , whereas other growth factors ( EGF , PDGF , TGF- β superfamily members , insulin ) and retinoic acid do not .
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