Example sentences of "alone [modal v] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These problems alone may affect outlook .
2 It requires that the amount of debtors due after more than one year should be disclosed on the face of the balance sheet when it is so material in the context of total net current assets that disclosure in the notes alone may lead readers to misinterpret the accounts .
3 This alone may cost China $80 million between 1985 and 1988 .
4 Studies have shown that , while surgical revascularisation alone may render VF non-inducible postoperatively , the substrate for sustained monomorphic VT is seldom abolished by CABG .
5 Toyota 's ambitions alone should give Detroit nightmares .
6 While ministers in Holland and Belgium are intervening ‘ before breakfast , lunch , tea and dinner ’ in order to rescue something of the Daf structure , their counterpart in the UK holds to the view that the market alone should decide Leyland Daf 's future .
7 The headline rate should fall again next month , when the latest cuts in mortgage interest rates alone should cut inflation by 0.3 per cent , equal to the whole of the increase in the retail prices index last March , but the underlying rate could go higher .
8 ‘ One-hundred percentism ’ refers to horizontal equity , whereby quality and level of work effort alone should determine income , and discrimination on the basis of sex , race , social background should be avoided so that all have access to the better posts .
9 If men alone could represent God , then somehow they were the lords of women .
10 It alone could authenticate documents with the Great Seal , which was in its custody , and issue orders that required full legal backing , such as grants of land , appointments to offices , and treaties with foreign powers .
11 Living words alone could speak plain .
12 As Denton has shown , Winchelsey had used Clericis Laicos tactically to keep the king at bay while evading the full implications of that bull — that the pope alone could give consent ; Edward spent the last years of his reign dexterously reversing this and nullifying the commitments which appeared to have been extracted from him by the Confirmation of the Charters in 1297 .
13 ‘ Ross … please , Ross … ! ’ she gasped , desperate for the power and thrust of his flesh , which alone could bring release from the ever-mounting , passionate excitement that was shaking her slender form .
14 Thanks in part to the inventive energy of Thomas Cromwell and the long , tireless service of the Cecils , there developed some sort of working tradition ; but there was little of the bureaucratic foundation which alone could provide continuity and organization .
15 ‘ Clothing and shoe deals alone could approach $1 million a year .
16 The Chiefs of Staff insisted that nuclear weapons alone would enable Britain to offset the almost unlimited manpower of the USSR .
17 Finally , an evaluation which was constrained to look at stated objectives alone would forego opportunities to develop theoretical and empirical models which have general application over and above the particular initiative under scrutiny .
18 The title alone would give Americans some trouble .
19 Their home alone would give Brian every justification for moving .
20 However , it soon became clear that , not only are Indian gaols so varied that to describe any one is to create a false picture , but a description of ‘ conditions ’ alone would give readers outside India little real insight into the country 's prison system or how it is experienced by inmates .
21 US official sources predicted that these measures alone would reduce carbon emissions by 15 per cent .
22 Less profound latent inhibition than that shown by subjects given pre-exposure to A alone would constitute evidence for overshadowing of latent inhibition .
23 How professional authors must bristle when celebrities turn to writing , knowing that their name alone will ensure sales .
24 I do not suggest that these measures alone will revolutionise training in Britain , but , taken in conjunction with other measures that we have taken , the considerable progress made by the training and enterprise councils , together with Investors in People and our national record of achievement , we are certainly well on the way to completing a transformation of attitudes to training in Britain .
25 The rhetoric alone will open people 's hearts .
26 K v and v can be established by calibrating with polymer fractions of known molar mass , and once this has been established for a system , [ η ] alone will give M for an unknown fraction .
27 She is aware , as you yourself only too well know , that her looks are bound to attract attention , and that beautiful hair ; its colour is so unusual that that alone will draw eyes to it .
28 Education regarding the potential dangerousness of the drug in overdose may prevent accidental deaths , but it is not clear that this alone will prevent death among those who impulsively overdose with this drug .
29 It is estimated by the Russian government that Russia alone will require $30 billion over the next five years simply to stabilise its oil production , ’ he added .
30 Nobody pretends this is a cheap option , but the specialist alone will have access to injectable antibiotics and other items of first aid not generally available .
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