Example sentences of "to ensure that [noun] is " in BNC.

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1 Measurement of sub-contractor 's work is a difficult and laborious task and management controls are necessary to ensure that work is accurately measured and valued and that the surveyor has sufficient time to achieve these objectives .
2 to ensure that communication is acknowledged as a human right ;
3 In the standard paradigm the interlocutors are separated by a screen to ensure that communication is restricted to the verbal channel .
4 It is therefore important to ensure that wording is agreed as far as possible during drafting meetings .
5 It demonstrates how Conservative administrations in the 1980s have been determined to reduce public expenditure and to ensure that support is ultimately dependent on central-government approval — a constant theme in inner-urban policy , which later chapters explore .
6 He or she will be aided by volunteers who do doorstep canvassing to try to determine where supporters live : on election day they will keep a running tab on who has voted in order to ensure that support is maximized .
7 If one or more of these features is missing from your working life , you should make it known and strive to ensure that management is committed to improving matters .
8 Indeed , Willig suggests that by modifying the structure so as to ensure that HJKL is substantially greater than FEHG , the price p , can be lowered slightly .
9 They understand that reform is needed , but they wish to ensure that overproduction is halted and that EC farmers are ready and able to compete in world markets when the Uruguay GATT round is finally resolved .
10 Our standards of service are rigorously monitored to ensure that performance is maintained at a consistently high level , and we also aim to take good care of your parcels .
11 The most often quoted obligations deal with the nature of the service and the need to ensure that content is impartial .
12 We have therefore provided for further restructuring in response to these pressures and to ensure that AEA is fully prepared to win new business in a highly competitive marketplace .
13 Some join the Sealed Knot to ensure that history is not forgotten … others because they enjoy a good bundle .
14 Above all , there must be extreme vigilance to ensure that testing is not allowed to become a retrogressive influence .
15 However a number of simple tests must be performed to ensure that POINTER is indicating the correct delay value : ( a ) If the end of the acceleration table has been reached the motor continues at constant velocity with a step interval dictated by the final acceleration delay value , stored in location ACCEND .
16 However , it is difficult to see how such criteria can be formulated to ensure that treatment is received by those individuals that the home authority would have chosen .
17 The purpose of community intervention is not simply to observe but to ensure that treatment is sustained for those whose illness , in terms of either severity or nature , warrants this .
18 Whilst MAS will always endeavour to ensure that KPMG is appointed investigating accountant , MAS should bear in mind that in recommending KPMG it is acting as an agent for the purchaser .
19 It is the responsibility of the line manager to ensure that back-up is available .
20 Care should be taken to ensure that cover is in force as sickness is not covered under all PA policies .
21 Any quality assurance programme should encompass the concepts of effectiveness in achieving the benefits desired and efficiency in reaching and giving priority to the people for whom the service is intended ; it is also important to ensure that money is spent effectively and not expended on other less important areas of need .
22 There are plenty of ‘ green ’ activists or organisations who tell us what should be done , but we need to ensure that money is spent effectively .
23 A major effort is taking place to ensure that documentation is deposited in machine- readable form and , given that generally it is available on word-processed disks , this is proving successful .
24 Lothian Region Transport plc has done much to ensure that smoking is banned from public transport in the Lothian area .
25 Competitive Regulation : here , the aim is to ensure that competition is not eliminated or seriously hampered by the formation of cartels .
26 to ensure that redundancy is not used as a pretext for getting rid of employees which some manager wishes to get rid of for some quite other reasons , eg … by reason of personal dislike .
27 In other words it is his job to ensure that AIB is an effective investigating machine ready to cope with all the tasks that fall within its jurisdiction .
28 We also want to ensure that provision is made for the representation of enrolled nurses on the UKCC .
29 ‘ Personal development is , we believe of key importance to ensure that motivation is always running at a high level .
30 More generally , the emphasis was on securing a ‘ speeding up of the system ’ and ‘ to ensure that development is only prevented or restricted when this serves a clear planning purpose and the economic effects have been taken into account ’ .
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