Example sentences of "cause of [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 The Centre 's experience is that this is still the case , and the importance of some sudden reversal in family fortunes as a cause of debt was underlined by our own interviews ( Appendix 11 , section 5 ) .
2 The work of the court was too much for the judges ; and this cause of delay was aggravated by the dilatory character of the procedure , and by the time which some of the Chancellors took to consider their decisions .
3 But the main cause of dissent was the Community Charge , or poll tax .
4 One cause of friction was the discontent of BIA officers over the failure to implement promises of independence made publicly by General Iida of the Japanese army when the BIA first entered Tavoy in the south .
5 Two recent studies exclusively involving patients with diarrhoea similarly reported the absence of potential pathogens in most patients with AIDS related complex while in most patients with AIDS a potential cause of diarrhoea was detected ; as the abnormalities detected in AIDS patients were obviously not necessary to produce diarrhoea at earlier stages of the disease , their causative relevance is doubtful .
6 Probably the greatest cause of discontent was the issue of Public Lending Right , only partially defused since some authors began to receive Public Lending Right payments in 1983 .
7 Before Koch , the cause of tuberculosis was unknown , but was suspected to be hereditary .
8 A follow-up survey in 1978 indicated that the cause of migration was a lack of jobs which matched young people 's work and career aspirations .
9 The main cause of inflation was the overall public-sector budget deficit .
10 If , as seemed likely , one cause of unemployment was an excess of savings over investment , the equalisation of decisions to save and decisions to invest could be brought about by Labour 's plans for progressive taxation which would redistribute income to the poorer sections of society .
11 In the months up to the outbreak of war a major cause of dispute was the status of non-practising Jews .
12 The damage done to the cause of integration was severe .
13 There were never enough masters to control the unruly mobs of boys , and the enlistment of prefects to the cause of authority was at best an ambiguous achievement : they were boys , too .
14 It is instructive to recall that the cause of conservation was conservative before it was ever radical .
15 No obvious cause of death was found , but all the dolphins were heavily contaminated with PCBs .
16 It was reported to the Ministry within days , but the cause of death was not confirmed by scientists until mid-March .
17 ( Cause of death was taken from the death registration form as coded by OPCS . )
18 The body was identified then , but the cause of death was not .
19 Evidence that the heat of the blast was the cause of death was abundant — there were many poignant scenes of entire families dead in rooms where glass bottles , jugs , bowls and cutlery stood perfectly undamaged on tables where they had been set out .
20 The cause of death was a cerebral haemorrhage .
21 His agent Jean Diamond said the cause of death was ‘ AIDS-related TB ’ .
22 The official cause of death was given as suicide by hanging and internal haemorrhaging respectively .
23 The girl had suffered from tuberculosis of the lungs , but it was agreed that although that would ‘ probably at no very distant period have terminated fatally ’ the immediate cause of death was in the stomach .
24 An alternative cause of death was evident in over half the patients .
25 The pathologist found that death was due to natural causes and that the cause of death was status asthmaticus .
26 Held , granting the application , that the coroner had wrongly precluded himself from considering whether the cause of death had been aggravated by lack of care ; that where the medical cause of death was accompanied by concurrent events which themselves might be a cause of death , there was a case for considering the death ‘ unnatural ’ within the meaning of section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 , and an inquest should be held ; that the statutory duty imposed by section 11(5) of the Act of 1988 to investigate how death occurred prevailed in any conflict with the provision in rule 42 of the Coroners Rules 1984 that verdicts should not be framed so as to appear to decide any issue of civil liability ; that it was in the public interest to investigate by means of an inquest whether the deceased 's death might have been avoided had an ambulance been available earlier ; and that , accordingly , the coroner 's decision not to hold an inquest would be quashed and an order of mandamus granted for an inquest to be held ( post , pp. 491E , H , 493C–D , E–F ) .
27 The pathologist who carried out the post mortem reported that death was due to natural causes and that the cause of death was status asthmaticus which is a medical term for a prolonged asthmatic attack .
28 In my view they can not alter the fact that the cause of death was status asthmaticus , a well known complication of asthma and sadly sometimes , as here , fatal .
29 It follows from these passages from the coroner 's affidavit that he did not consider whether it was appropriate to hold an inquest to investigate whether this was a case in which the cause of death was aggravated by lack of care .
30 In the notes to Form 22 in the Schedule , which deals with inquisitions , it is suggested that in cases , inter alia , of death from natural causes , where appropriate the words ‘ and the cause of death was aggravated by lack of care ’ may be added .
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