Example sentences of "associated [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 This suggestion is supported by studies that show that at least some of the activities of GGF ( and related ) gene products have been associated with expression of the EGF motif alone .
2 Pulling was associated with expectation of speed : if his expectation of speed was reduced , so was the pulling .
3 To you , the user , it means that a series of less powerful programs can be used to produce results normally associated with top of the range software .
4 The defence and definition of , or hostility towards , the polytechnics , was partly associated with questions of standards , partly with the nature of vocational emphases , and in fact with the connection between the two .
5 This clearly allows a new transition , in which the odd electron moves from the d z 2 to the empty level , and should also increase the number of bands associated with excitation of an electron from the t 2g to the e g set of levels ( both sets are now split , so several extra bands will appear ) .
6 The first wave of aggregation induced by adrenaline is associated with uptake of calcium by platelets , and it has been suggested that a localised flux of calcium into the platelet plasma membrane enables the platelets to stick together ( Gerrard et al , 1981 ) .
7 The Chinese Wall is a self styled regulatory mechanism aimed at stemming the flow of material information from one department in a conglomerate to another and resolving the legal problems associated with conflicts of interest generally .
8 The analysis will focus on the policy debates , common law rules , and statutory and regulatory provisions regarding the use and legal sufficiency of the Chinese Wall in resolving problems associated with conflicts of interest and duty in corporate entities .
9 It is completely irrelevant to quote the decommissioning costs associated with Ministry of Defence activities in what purports to be an article about civil nuclear power .
10 Direct employment in Scotland associated with Ministry of Defence expenditure on equipment stood at around 14,000 in 1989-90 .
11 There will also be additional health problems associated with lack of exercise .
12 The views expressed by Julie White and Hilary Patrick leave out of consideration the unfortunate fact that some kinds of serious mental illness may be associated with lack of insight .
13 The Committee itself concluded ‘ that the overall technical standard of the operation has been high , both in the sense that the signal itself has been generated with great skill and proficiency and that the practical and logistical problems associated with presence of televising personnel and equipment have been kept to a minimum ’ .
14 Many individuals also displayed a strong attachment to the Prayer-Book ceremonies associated with rites of passage : baptism , churching , marriage , and the burial of the dead .
15 Training was associated with normalisation of external anal sphincter phasic contraction and with an increase in squeeze duration in all patients .
16 The mid-century generation of writers such as Brendan Behan , Brian O'Nolan and Patrick Kavanagh will always be associated with pints of plain in McDaids or The Palace Bar .
17 In the lay person 's view , and in the view of some professional linguists , the norms of language are associated with notions of standardization and ‘ correctness ’ or with hierarchical dimensions of social structure ( or all of these ) , and they are usually felt to be institutional : that is , they are thought of as being prescribed by authority through the writing system , the educational system and other agencies ( for a relevant discussion , see J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) .
18 Some stress that capitalism benefits a key group of workers — as in the theory associated with Lenin of a labour ‘ aristocracy ’ whose loyalty is bought by special privileges , or in O'Connor 's ( 1973 ) account of the interests of workers in the monopoly capital sector .
19 Sanctioning strategies in fact generally tend to be associated with incidents of deviance .
20 One use of the term ‘ topic ’ is associated with descriptions of sentence structure .
21 The gas fields of the Ems estuary are associated with values of 1.0–1.5% Rm .
22 In 1953 Eugene Aserinsky and Nathaniel Kleitman reported rapid , saccadic ( tracking ) eye movements , similar in appearance to waking eye movements , associated with reports of dreaming .
23 From the above results it appears that the positivity of either ANA-H or SMA-AA , although significantly associated with signs of marked immune stimulation ( higher hypergammaglobulinemia Table I ) , does not allow to rule out a coexistent hepatitis C virus infection .
24 This obiquitous parasite of donkeys is rarely associated with signs of clinical disease .
25 These authors found that oral administration of aspirin was associated with inhibition of platelet prostaglandin synthesis and suggested that this finding might explain the known effects of aspirin in inhibiting the platelet-release reaction and in prolonging the bleeding time ( Quick , 1966 ) .
26 Acute mucosal injury does not seem to be associated with stimulation of PGE 2 synthesis .
27 In this study it was also confirmed that the fast eye movements were associated with passages of vivid dreaming involving tracking of moving images , but the measured direction of movement of the eyes did not correspond very well with reports of direction of movement of objects in the dream .
28 Coeliac disease , which causes intestinal problems and is often associated with complications of the nervous system , is treated by following a diet free from the protein gluten , found in wheat , barley and rye .
29 There is no reason to expect that they will necessarily have developed cancer of the bladder : the same gene seems to be associated with tumours of the lung , gut , and other tissues ( Nature vol 300 , p 539 ) .
30 The fear of performance reflecting cultural stigmas directed toward erective inadequacy was that associated with problems of secondary impotence .
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