Example sentences of "meant [that] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The population of these three conurbations was over 8 million which when added to a similar population in London meant that approximately one-third of the population of England would have been within areas covered by a two-tier structure of local government .
2 This meant that approximately two hundred and sixty-two thousand households in the country as a whole had radio .
3 In Iran Roosevelt noted , that the economic blockade was losing Mossadeq his support , both among the mullahs and among the merchants in the bazaar , Indeed , his erratic and increasingly dogmatic responses to the crisis meant that even some of his own National Front supporters were defecting form him .
4 The very simplicity of the structure meant that even formal break-up might be only a temporary interruption since the survival of the essential units made for easy reconstruction .
5 Special circumstances are required to justify the er proposing the new settlement through the local plan structure planning process , and I believe that is exactly what has occurred over the last five years , and if I could just quickly run through paragraph thirty three of P P G three , and the your invitation for us to comment on the criteria set out there , first of all the first element , the ex the alternative must be erm seen to be a less satisfactory method of providing land for the new housing that is needed , that is the essence of what has occurred in the process which the County Council has undertaken over the last couple of years , all of the policy options available have been examined in great detail , have been subject to public consultation , public participation , d I believe clear view was that there were erm constraints operating on York which meant that not all of that additional development accommodated in the adjacent to the existing er York city villages surrounding York .
6 ‘ I only meant that not many people know anything about the old gods these days . ’
7 This meant that nearly all packs would contain more than the declared weight .
8 Only 22 managed to meet this date , but by 1955 a good submission record meant that about half the country 's plans had been approved , and the bulk by the end of the decade .
9 This meant that almost 70 per cent had actually maintained their new figures .
10 His departure also meant that only two of the country 's six state leaders — Wayne Goss in Queensland and Ray Groom in Tasmania — had achieved office as a result of state elections .
11 A budget of £7.17.10 in 1910 meant that only twenty-five babies per week could be seen at the clinic ; but the work continued , and expanded .
12 While complete series are available for Hertfordshire , Worcestershire and Lincolnshire , staffing changes on the project meant that only 50 years of data could be collected for Durham .
13 Stockbrokers Beeson Gregory believe the USM performed a valuable service by breaking down the barrier that , until 1980 , meant that only sizeable businesses were considered fit for public company status .
14 The fact that she was such an eccentric character meant that only those with strong personalities survived .
15 Poor communications meant that very little news from outlying districts appeared in ZANA output , the only notable exception being when the president went on one of his tours of the country and a journalist from ZANA accompanied the party .
16 The very diverse nature of the IT theses being covered by students ' researches meant that very small numbers of students were frequently found studying particular combinations of the broad church that is information technology .
17 In Pomerania the general impoverishment and the already poor Pomeranian soil meant that very few peasants could gather together enough money to buy their own farm equipment — a necessary prerequisite for purchase of their land from the estate — nor could they ever manage to garner a purchase price that was often the equivalent of over 25 years ' rent .
18 In the 1850s , the invention of the Bunsen burner meant that very high temperatures could be achieved on the laboratory bench ; and if the furnace was no longer necessary , then the laboratory could move upstairs .
19 Erm however absolute egalitarianism showed that it could n't actually work in practice because there was n't they underestimated the amount of land which , that could be redistributed and you had leftist and rightist deviations where which meant that how that industry and commerce was being threatened and landlords were just being indiscriminately killed .
20 Erm this meant that how that er erm some of the problems actually arose from the outline landlord itself er by land law itself in that it discussed land reform in very general terms and the policy towards middle and rich peasants was left unclear erm which meant that how that classes were being mis-classified and the movement was getting out of hand .
21 Erm als other problems which arose from the outline land law was in its deliberate ambiguity er in its deliberate erm tt sort of ambiguity because it left reg it left the law to be interpreted by regional areas which meant that how that erm in some places they totally misinterpreted the law but the Communist Party had to have this flexibility because China was such a vast country and you could n't just impose one policy per se across the country .
22 But there was an introversion to that which meant that too few readers of too many newspapers knew what it was there for .
23 But there was an introversion to that which meant that too few readers of too many newspapers knew what it was there for .
24 The Treasury stressed yesterday that , despite the pound 's fall , the increase in rates meant that overall monetary policy had been tightened .
25 Attitudes of this kind meant that purely dynastic considerations played strikingly little part in the thinking of most of these rulers .
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