Example sentences of "drawn [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 The voice belonged to George , he had drawn up on the other side of the road , and as I walked towards him his voice was getting impatient .
2 These map programs take a fair bit of work , and can not be drawn up on the launching ship ; the sailors load a ready-made map into the missile , and tell it how to get to the initial way-point .
3 The short list is drawn up on the advice of existing judges , seeking to establish whether the candidates combine the qualities of legal skills , status within the profession and ‘ respectability ’ .
4 What prompted blunter speaking we do not know , but there was to be no lack of plainness in the English memorandum drawn up on the 31st .
5 If you had seen that band drawn up on the parade-ground , with full regalia glittering in the sun , while in front six bugles sounded Retreat and the audience came spontaneously to attention , you 'd have liked it , I 'm sure .
6 At first potential jurors were classified by ethnic group and caste , but after the 1840s they were assigned to one of three lists which were drawn up on the basis of language capability .
7 The directors added that they had done so because ‘ this is the basis adopted in the accounts of the overseas subsidiaries ’ , and that the group accounts should be drawn up on the same basis in order to show a true and fair view .
8 The procedures of the 1981 Act ensure that statements are drawn up on the basis of the pupil 's individual needs , but with the general aim of ensuring , as far as possible , an education comparable with that of the pupil 's age group in the mainstream .
9 A few fishing boats sat in the lagoon , some outrigger canoes were drawn up on the sand and one small pleasure yacht , which must have come from another island , was anchored to a buoy .
10 thirdly , some principles of professional practice which may be drawn up on the basis of these discussions .
11 The following protocol for neonatal pain relief has been drawn up on the basis of a review of published literature , experience , and discussion with senior medical and nursing staff at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and other neonatal units .
12 There was a boat drawn up on the shore , dark oak painted white to the water line , the prow a swan 's head .
13 The final articles of agreement drawn up on the 17th April allowed the lease for a term of 21 years .
14 I had left the dinghy drawn up on the shingle , with her painter tied to her small Danforth anchor , hooked into the beach .
15 I have drawn up on the attached sheet the numbers of staff required in my estimation to deal with Council Tax in the future .
16 We are extremely worried about that proposal , which was no doubt drawn up on the back of an envelope .
17 Within half an hour of leaving Rockford , the convoy had reached its destination and were drawn up on the verge alongside the perimeter fence , just short of the big front gates of Bethlehem House .
18 Springfield himself was standing beside the open door of his car , which he had drawn up on the verge opposite the gates , angled so its headlights were bathing them in a pool of bright luminescence .
19 At the same time he said that new rules would be drawn up on the ownership of property , in preparation for the privatization of numerous state enterprises ; in this context he demanded a cut in bank interest rates , from a typical level of 50 per cent to around 20 per cent , so as to encourage private investment in industry , where he said that productivity had fallen by 10 per cent since the start of the year .
20 It can be drawn up on the basis of historic-cost book values , current-cost book values or market values .
21 The " full recovery plan " would set aside 5.4 million acres , at a cost of 32,000 jobs in the timber industry : an alternative drawn up on the instructions of Interior Secretary Manual Lujan would protect 2.8 million acres but result in the loss of 15,000 logging jobs .
22 One party would be returned to office with an overall majority and implement its manifesto program , a program neither known nor supported by most electors and one drawn up on the basis more of party dogma than of a dispassionate and well-informed analysis of Britain 's problems .
23 The Law Society has issued guidance notes for equal opportunities in solicitors ' firms which reproduce a standard policy for their use which has been drawn up on the basis of recommendations of the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Commission for Racial Equality .
24 My Lord at the briefing that we attended er there was a sketch plan drawn up on the er the dry wipe board in the briefing room .
25 As far as the passengers were concerned , the unscheduled stop and the sight of an ambulance drawn up on the quayside lent an element of excitement to spirits which were beginning to flag slightly as the end of the cruise loomed closer .
26 There was an old Heron dinghy drawn up on the beach , with an outboard motor ready attached .
27 ( At the same time , though its existence was naturally concealed from the rank-and-file , a ‘ Line of Panic ’ was also drawn up on the inner circle of forts , Belleville , Souville , Tavannes and Moulainville .
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