Example sentences of "understanding [prep] how [art] " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , a further demonstration project was selected in Delft to gain some understanding of how a coherent bicycle network could actually operate .
2 Successful practice requires a thorough understanding of how a shift from practical to verbal consciousness occurs and may be facilitated .
3 Much work has been done on children 's understanding of how a person 's beliefs determine that person 's actions , but less is known about their conception of the role of motivation in action .
4 Kelvin 's scale of temperature , the only true ratio scale of temperature since it has a non-arbitrary zero point , is not simply a mathematically more powerful scale or one that is invariably more useful , as far as the latter is concerned quite the contrary , but it is one that " incorporates a profound understanding of how a certain class of phenomenon works " .
5 Mr Lozoraitis , 69 , an emigre and Lithuania 's ambassador in Washington , told a news conference that most of the new president 's team had no understanding of how a market economy worked .
6 Prof Cockburn , head of one of seven university departments involved at Yorkhill , added that Mr Lang 's decision showed a lack of understanding of how a major teaching hospital works .
7 Use of trade exhibitions is on the increase and firms increasingly need to establish a more scientific method of managing this function as it requires an understanding of how an exhibition stand communicates itself to the public .
8 This structural awareness can be as hard to handle as any decision to try to publish the account , for what has happened in the past and what is expected now from the insider is tied up with an understanding of how the institution of policing prefers to present a restricted image for outside consumption , as I have described above .
9 For example , we apparently only came to some understanding of how the heart worked when we had within our conceptual framework the notion of a pump .
10 The combination of a broad industrial experience and a close understanding of how the typical mineworker views life gave him the confidence to take on a responsibility which a less courageous man might well have ducked .
11 Prof Robert Huber , winner of the 1988 Nobel prize for chemistry , told the meeting that experimental drugs had arisen from new understanding of how the leech prevents its meal from coagulating with a substance called hirudin .
12 Every Member I interviewed believed that television had increased public interest in Parliament and most thought it had improved public understanding of how the Commons works , It is even more important , however , that the House should be televised so that the public can follow the actual matters being debated in Parliament .
13 They have been suggested by people 's changing needs and growing understanding of how the gospel can be worked out in human society .
14 Much of this story will necessarily be unfamiliar to them but it may offer some understanding of how the work of God here has developed and of what there is that is worthwhile in the legacy of the past .
15 Success in a computing career has particular prerequisites : knowledge of computing principles ( these change only slowly ) , understanding of how the power of computers can be exploited ( this is continually changing ) , and skill in using hardware and software to achieve organizational goals .
16 Skilled maintenance engineers , apart from using test procedures and maintenance manuals , use their intuition or heuristics and an understanding of how the system works to solve problems .
17 an understanding of how the system/machine works .
18 an understanding of how the system/component works and its relation with the outside world ( ‘ narrow domain ’ ) ;
19 an intuitive understanding of how the system/component will behave when a certain sub-system(s) failed ;
20 Instead , they choose symbols to represent the problem concepts ( knowledge ) i.e. an understanding of how the system works , and then apply various techniques and heuristics ( rules of thumb ) to manipulate this knowledge ( Fig. 3 ) .
21 Some feel that it is crucial in their understanding of how the parents react now , while others will concentrate only on the ‘ here and now ’ , observe parental reactions , and intervene directly at that level .
22 But a more characteristic evangelical understanding of how the slave trade abrogated God 's good order stressed the interposition by trader and slaveholder of a harsh human power between God and some of His creatures .
23 The design of the man-machine interface must develop from an understanding of how the man is expected to interact with the machine and correspondingly the design of selection , allocation and training schemes depends on knowing what is required of the operator .
24 The second is a historical observation , that during the thirty years or so since the first observations of single cell response properties in the visual systems of mammals , our understanding of how the visual system works has been driven as much by theoretical developments in the psychology of perception as the other way round .
25 Many of the issues in the contemporary study of perceptual systems have come about because of our improved understanding of how the systems might work , based largely on people 's attempts to build models of perceptual processes .
26 These developments have greatly enhanced our understanding of how the visual system functions .
27 It horrified the Council 's more conservative wing for , despite all protestations that it was complementary to and not contradictory of Vatican I 's teaching on papal primacy , it did inevitably suggest a remarkably different overall understanding of how the Church should be governed .
28 As a new member of the organization I will have to reconcile the expectations of others , including the systems imposed on me , with my own theories and understanding of how the world works .
29 He went to Sacramento with no readymade staff ; he had no understanding of how the political system worked and had no strategy for translating the goals he had espoused during the campaign into a programme of practical proposals .
30 There was increasing recognition of the complexity of the causes of poverty and increased understanding of how the economy functioned .
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