Example sentences of "reported [that] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In discussions between Kozyrev and South Korean Foreign Minister Lee Sang Ock , it was reported that the former had given assurances that Russia would not provide North Korea with any offensive weapons , and had promised to consult with the South Korean government during future discussions of military matters with North Korea .
2 On July 17 it was reported that the Democratic Platform co-ordinating council had decided to recommend that its supporters should begin leaving the party after all .
3 It was reported that the first four days of the war had cost Britain £100m in ammunition and lost equipment .
4 On July 15 it had been reported that the new Cabinet had drafted 35 pieces of legislation for immediate consideration by the new Congress .
5 LaBudde also reported that the two drift-net vessel skippers to whom he had spoken in the North Pacific both admitted to periodically cutting loose large sections of net in which whales had become entangled .
6 On May 29 it was reported that the two sides had agreed a compromise , to allow the talks to proceed .
7 On July 30 it was reported that the two countries had agreed new commitments to reduce the trade imbalance in a second follow-up report to the Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) talks .
8 It was also reported that the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) was forced to halt relief operations in mid-December because of disputes with the two sides .
9 Wingti also promised to provide compensation for those killed and , on Sept. 20 , it was reported that the abducted man had been returned to Honiara .
10 In November it was reported that the European Communities had agreed to proposals for Namibia to join the Lomé Convention , under which the country would secure an annual beef quota , at an estimated price 40 per cent higher than the world market , which would make Namibia the second largest beef exporter among the African , Caribbean and Pacific countries ( after Botswana ) .
11 It was reported that the final signing had been held up over successive objections raised by Taylor , and that he eventually signed only under pressure from Capt. Blaise Compaore , the head of state of Burkina , a country which , according to some reports , had previously been an important source of arms supplies to Taylor 's faction .
12 In its annual update on the incidence of HIV and AIDS , published on Jan. 3 , 1990 , WHO had reported that the total number of reported AIDS cases worldwide had reached 203,599 by the end of 1989 , an increase of 36,942 or 22.2 per cent on the previous year [ for 1988 figures see pp. 37019-20 ] .
13 Previous studies have reported that the chronic ingestion of less than 10 mg of gliadin daily is occasionally sufficient to cause problems in coeliac disease patients .
14 Beardshall et al have reported that the increased gastrin response to gastrin releasing peptide in H pylori infection is the result of increased G17 .
15 Although Attorney General William Barr refused to comment on the appointment of former District of Columbia federal attorney Joseph diGenova or to confirm which officials were under investigation , it was widely reported that the latter included outgoing Chief of Staff James Baker .
16 Studies have consistently reported that the vast majority of older people , approximately 95 per cent , never feel lonely .
17 On Aug. 23 , it was reported that the Bulgarian ambassador was wounded by shrapnel and that two local personnel in both the Pakistan and French embassies had been killed .
18 IT should first be reported that the refurbished Town Crier , Darlington Council 's magazine , is a slicker and worthier product than its 18 predecessors .
19 When a purpose-designed cap was brought in to replace the humble condom , it was reported that the mine-laying frogmen were less than happy , having regarded the prior item as something of a ‘ perk ’ of the job .
20 It was also reported that the Slovak government had threatened to proclaim the primacy of Slovak law over federal law , unless its demands for more substantial devolution were met .
21 On Oct. 1 it had been reported that the Slovak National Council ( parliament ) was to be known as the National Council of the Slovak Republic .
22 The message merely reported that the French had attacked at dawn and that the Prussian outposts had been driven in south of Charleroi .
23 It was reported that the French Foreign Minister , Roland Dumas , had , in the course of a " flaming row " , objected strongly to the alliance as such claiming the right to seek new relations with former members of the Warsaw Pact .
24 On April 18-19 Mitterrand visited Bucharest [ see p. 38163 ] , and on July 17-19 Roman visited Paris again , when it was reported that the French government had guaranteed loans to the value of US$200,000,000 to French firms investing in Romania .
25 On May 27 it was reported that the last 119 Cuban troops remaining in Angola had arrived home in Havana , five weeks ahead of schedule [ see pp. 36479-81 for 1988 agreement under which the Cuban troops were to be withdrawn ] .
26 On Feb. 14 it was reported that the three most senior Tadjik leaders had all offered their resignations at a meeting with the unofficial Vaadad ( " Unity " ) People 's Committee , formed shortly after the outbreak of the Dushanbe violence and uniting government representatives and activists from the Popular Front-style Rastokhez ( " Revival " ) organization .
27 It was reported that the dinucleotide-based roll angle value of GC step is one of the smallest found in all dinucleotides ( 1,6 ) .
28 On Oct. 1 it was reported that the Chadian authorities suspected Chadian refugees in Niger of having triggered the recent disturbances in the northern Tibesti region [ see p. 38427 ] .
29 Clearly we need to know more , for example , it is reported that the red leafmonkey ( Presbytis rubicunda ) in northern Borneo , like other primates , eats soil , usually from termite mounds , but the soil has been analysed only chemically with no clear-cut conclusions : what about the micro-organisms and their products ?
30 On May 1 it had been reported that the Colombian government was willing to talk with the guerrillas , after three representatives of the two groups within the CNGSB ( the FARC and the ELN — see p. 38001 ) had occupied the Venezuelan embassy in Bogotá seeking diplomatic asylum .
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