Example sentences of "living in my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Olga , and one or two old friends still living in my home town , kept in touch .
2 But I could not stand the humiliation of crossing the Allenby Bridge — at my age , being stripped and searched by a Zionist , Jew , a Pole , a Russian or a Romanian who is living in my country , in my home , asking me questions and searching me .
3 The differences between living in my Hollywood A-frame and in our Balinese house required an organism-crunching transition , which in many ways parallels the fundamental complementary opposites between East and West .
4 I pretend to believe in living in my room , but it 's true that I am trying to thrust myself on stage .
5 Not that it mattered very much because he was living in my flat and was n't going to starve , but I said to him , there is only one way that you can make quick , ready money and that is going out in cabaret .
6 In London Victoria is living in my flat , driving my car , using my bank accounts , washing our sheets .
7 ‘ All these conflicting views — it 's like a soap opera , living in my family , ’ said Alastair .
8 Well you can just listen to it cos you 're living in my house .
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