Example sentences of "living [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Our fifth type must therefore be the traditionalist , for whom it is a pleasure to find the past living on in the present .
2 He speaks directly to us in the first person and he expresses something very like fear and even self-pity , the distress of the poet , seeing himself as a kind of natural victim , and it may be the distress of the puritan living on after the Restoration and afraid of the wild route , which is Charles the Second 's court , though I think we can be a little sceptical of this and we certainly do n't know with sufficiently accuracy when Paradise Lost was written .
3 Over half the severely disabled elderly are living only with the spouse and exactly half the spouses caring for an elderly disabled partner are men .
4 I asked whether they did not find it inconvenient , living so near the French border , not to speak French , but they said not .
5 Hell 's teeth , baby — we 've been living together for the last two years or more . ’
6 I feel sorry only for Eugenie and Beatrice because they will suffer a great deal seeing their mother and father not living together under the same roof . ’
7 They had been living together across the colour bar for the best part of 30 years .
8 Was there not , on the whole of Battersea Reach , a couple , married or unmarried , living together in the ordinary way ?
9 ( a ) Spouses living together There is no charge to capital gains tax on a transfer of assets between husband and wife provided that they have been living together in the year of assessment in which the transfer takes place ( Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 ) ( " TCGA 1992 " ) , s58 .
10 Entitled Swizzlewick , it ‘ starred ’ a Mrs Smallgood , a Councillor Salt — the chairman of the NVALA committee was a Birmingham councillor by the name of Pepper — and Ernest the postman , Ernest being the name of Mr Whitehouse and ‘ Postman 's Piece ’ the name of the house they were living in at the time .
11 Bedfield was the village I was living in at the time .
12 Reveille for the remainder was at 0600 , as the transit camp we had been living in for the fortnight had to be handed over to the next inhabitants spick and span .
13 How sad it is when a believer in his forties or fifties is merely an absentee landlord , living idly off the intellectual rent from the thinking of his student days !
14 He said , ‘ The one who is contained feels himself living entirely within the confines of his marriage ; outside the marriage there exist no essential obligations and no binding interests . ’
15 Being their son must have meant living constantly in the shadow of two brilliant luminaries .
16 Imagine a model person living upstream of the model mountains .
17 They wore camouflage uniform and , from the looks of them , had been living long in the jungle .
18 As chance would have it , there was a couple living just down the road from us who kept animals — anything from horses to chinchillas , including a few birds of prey .
19 ‘ What was once a one mile journey into Garrison for someone living just on the other side of the border became a 26 mile round trip .
20 Between 1919 and 1923 about 700,000 Germans living just inside the Polish border , in Poznania and the Corridor were forced to abandon their homes and trek west into the Reich .
21 However the children were less bullied , although Olivia , who till now had run about under her mother 's feet , received her first caning the day after her sixth birthday , having grown pert in the meantime , living away from the rest .
22 Many farm workers recognize this as an unavoidable aspect of living away from the main centres of industry , and while they may occasionally recognize the limitations which are imposed upon their freedom to choose both employment and housing , they are not necessarily embittered by it .
23 Living largely on the ground , it no longer needed a tail .
24 They had once been commuters themselves but they had waited so long for trains they had taken to living permanently in the tunnels , skulking in the darkness by day and emerging late at night to devour unwary travellers .
25 A questionnaire circulated by the Friends has identified one hundred and forty children living close to the school whose parents would wish nursery provision for them .
26 In the last few years , more and more teenagers have ended up living dangerously on the streets .
27 It revolves around a narrator ( never named ) who is living temporarily on the west coast .
28 The purpose of this exercise , verbally repeated in funeral orations , was to instil in the young the duty of living up to the glorious achievements of their forefathers .
29 What evidence is there that you are not living up to the appropriate standards ?
30 Living up to the principles
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