Example sentences of "sitting down [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is the process of actually sitting down as a family — the shared activities of discussing common goals , of settling differences amicably and of treating one another with respect and dignity — that has a healing and constructive part to play .
2 The above indicates that there is far more to negotiating than sitting down opposite the other party and trying to bargain .
3 As he drew closer he could see the outlines of people sitting down under the shade of a tree near the river .
4 It was good to be sitting down with a family for dinner even though I did n't understand everything the Frenchman and his wife were talking about .
5 I 'm just sitting down with a drink and the news before dinner .
6 ‘ Oh , whatever was that ? ’ she used to cry , sitting down with a thump on anything that was handy , whenever one of them exploded within hearing .
7 The next task is to cut the hide to a more manageable size , and I assumed that the straps would be cut out at this stage , so looked around for someone sitting down with a steel rule and a knife .
8 The truly interested would undoubtedly be better off sitting down with a less amusing but ultimately more useful camcorder manual .
9 So it was then a question of just sitting down with a blank sheet of paper and starting to draw , because a Designer thinks about structures and design only by doing it , by drawing what 's in his mind .
10 ‘ I did n't expect this treatment from my father 's oldest friend , ’ said Monks angrily , sitting down with a frown on his face .
11 ‘ What have you learned , Lili ? ’ asked my mother , at last sitting down with a cup of tea before her .
12 Sitting down with a slip of graph paper and jotting down a few ideas will help , you make sense of your thoughts .
13 Then he saw Stefan , blue round the chin , sitting down with a plate of rolls and butter and a jug of milk .
14 It 's really good for sitting down with a meal and just forgetting about work .
15 ‘ There is research to be done , ’ Dury said , sitting down at a table strewn with photocopies from obscure-looking reference books .
16 By the time he felt able to add sound effects , Jenny was sitting down at a table with two girls and three youths .
17 ‘ How do I know what I think till I 've heard what I 've got to say ? ’ they will ask ; and , sitting down at the keyboard , will type in a few hasty half-baked assertions , and let the program nag them into developing a coherent and well-expressed thesis .
18 A more erudite musician — or courteous companion — you wo n't meet ; and I shall treasure for aye the memory of his sitting down at the grand piano in the front room of his Edinburgh town-house to demonstrate how two operations to his 95-year-old hands had not impaired his keyboard ability : what he then produced was some of the most sheerly beautiful bach playing I have ever heard .
19 ‘ Coming sir , ’ they both trilled , and soon we were sitting down at the dining table in a corner of the living-room .
20 She was sitting down at the table ; he thought she really was looking very ill and wretched but his tender pride kept him silent .
21 Alan was sitting down at the end of the lawn , his back to the house ‘ so you do n't distract me ’ , finishing off some work for Monday .
22 Anne is sitting down at the piano , unfolding her spectacles , smoothing the music in front of her .
23 ‘ It 's much simpler just draping a piece of material round you to work out what shape would work best and then just sitting down at the sewing machine ! ’
24 ‘ It 's much simpler just draping a piece of material round you to work out what shape would work best and then just sitting down at the sewing machine ! ’
25 I greatly enjoy sitting down on a Thursday evening to compile a list of all the pleasant and even unpleasant things I have to do , and then luxuriate in my sense of achievement on the following Sunday evening when every item on the list is ticked off .
26 Give yourself a massage either standing up or sitting down on a towel .
27 Hm , I said , sitting down on a split rexine tuffet .
28 ‘ Nisodemus is causing trouble , ’ he said , sitting down on a bench .
29 Do you find that when you 're sitting down on a hard floor and you stand up yeah and your arse hurts for about half an hour ?
30 In sitting down on an antique bench in the locker-room , the Welsh teenager had been lanced by a wooden splinter .
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