Example sentences of "miss [noun prp] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Sunday was not much better ; Miss Huntley had not risen from her bed until one p.m. and had not left the flat until five , then only to go to the cinema .
2 On this thought , Catherine put her head in , politely excusing herself to Bruce Davidson , and said that Miss Huntley had finally got here .
3 Miss Honey had never seen her looking so wide-eyed and peculiar before .
4 She peered out of the window again , hoping that she might perhaps have imagined the scene below , but Miss Hardbroom had not moved and was now almost hidden from view by the smoke .
5 Miss Grimes had certainly been glad of the presents but she had not really seemed as destitute and lonely as Ianthe had expected — perhaps secretly even hoped — and she found herself resenting the way she had taken the violets .
6 Miss Grimsilk had surely never , ever known a man ‘ quite well ’ unless it was her father .
7 When one thinks about it , when one remembers the way Miss Kenton had repeatedly spoken to me of my father during those early days of her time at Darlington Hall , it is little wonder that the memory of that evening should have stayed with her all of these years .
8 She had reminded herself that once or twice recently Miss Poraway had n't been able to come because of her nasal complaint , and Mrs Blackham , who was at least efficient , had taken her place .
9 Miss Golani had only one piece to play — as one of three irreconcilable characters in Michael Colgrass 's Strangers .
10 The Circular 's report of the NAPSS meeting in Edinburgh referred to the confusion over the " class " of the women to be introduced , noting that Miss Parkes had actually said " lower-class " .
11 She knew Miss Angus had never liked her much ; in fact , it was doubtful if Miss Angus liked anyone very much .
12 Theodora noticed Miss Dersingham had not denied that Amy had visited the Rectory .
13 Miss Giles had earlier told Wells Street magistrates that she had not considered the film to be ‘ a very hot potato ’ and had not realised she was breaking the law when she showed it to about 120 people last April .
14 Miss Havisham had never intended to make me rich , or let me marry Estella .
15 It dawned on Wycliffe that the room was smelling strongly of whisky , and that Miss Bond had probably hidden bottle and glasses while he was being received on the landing .
16 Miss Tunstall had not possessed work-reddened hands and knees .
17 Miss Wharton had already been driven back to Crowhurst Gardens by a WPC , there to be solaced no doubt with tea and sympathy .
18 Miss Wharton had never mentioned his name to Father Barnes or to anyone else at St Matthew 's and , as far as she knew , he had never , in his secretive world of childhood , mentioned hers .
19 Believing in economy , Miss Lodsworth had already baked rock and fairy cakes and spread hundreds of sandwiches with crusts still on with Marmite and plum jam which was cheaper than strawberry .
20 ( Miss Labrooy had obviously pleaded eloquently on Harry 's behalf . )
21 Although Barrett described himself as an ‘ antiques dealer ’ , the way he handled Miss Prinsep had more in common with the foot-in-the-door techniques employed by what the Sussex police wearily refer to as the ‘ knocker boys ’ .
22 When he rang Joanne to check Nigel 's movements in the week before Steen 's death , a strange female voice answered and informed him that Miss Menzies had already gone up to Scotland for her Christmas holidays .
23 In other words he concluded that , as to that , Miss T. had neither consented nor refused .
24 That night in bed , not able to sleep , she remembered she 'd once knocked on Miss Malabedeely 's door and when Miss Malabedeely had n't answered she 'd just gone in .
25 As soon as it became clear that Miss Trunchbull had completely disappeared from the scene , the excellent Mr Trilby was appointed Head Teacher in her place .
26 Miss Trunchbull had now reached the victim and stood towering over her .
27 A pair of sharp black eyes looked her up and down out of the most wasted features Miss Kyte had ever seen .
28 She knew that even if Miss Clinton had n't had so long a start , her daddy would have little hope of catching her up in his old car .
29 Jenny begged him every day to change his mind , but he was a busy man and declared that it was quite out of the question and he wished to goodness Miss Clinton had never mentioned the subject of Brownies !
30 He scored a further success with Colonel Nathaniel Montgomery Moore who , on the visit which he , his wife and Miss D'Arcy had just taken to Dumfries , had encountered none other than Major General Gerard Lake , ‘ who told me about your great gallantry at Guelder — Gueld — ‘
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