Example sentences of "apparently [v-ing] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Trestles were being set up along both sides of the room , but only a few sombrely dressed ladies were seated , the rest of the company apparently preferring to mill about in the centre of the hall .
2 The Open Software Foundation , based in Cambridge , Massachusetts is apparently bowing to user pressure over its pricing for the Distributed Computing Environment , and will announce significant price reductions for one-time Distributed Computing licences , distribution rights and royalty fees at UniForum on March 17 .
3 The council , apparently bowing to opposition pressure at " round table " negotiations under way since January [ see p. 37193 ] , also proposed a legal ban on the existence of BCP and other political party cells in workplaces and colleges .
4 There are several dozen pairs of two-syllable words with identical spelling which differ from each other in stress placement , apparently according to word class ( noun , verb or adjective ) .
5 Western observers commented that Gorbachev was apparently looking to religion to help provide the spiritual renewal which he saw as an essential part of perestroika .
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