Example sentences of "walked [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He walked unhurriedly to the bottom of it and peered down Orange Street .
2 Old Red acknowledged that with a nod and walked on into the corridor .
3 She eased back and kissed him , then walked on into the kitchen , her limp dictating the tiny sway of her hips .
4 They walked on into the thickening woodland .
5 Miles walked on into the night , to a special place , a secret place , that only he knew .
6 I waved to Didier and walked on between the pollarded limes .
7 He walked on past the house to the steps and down to the shore .
8 He could hear him as he walked on towards the gate .
9 Joe walked on towards the door of the hut .
10 We walked on towards the church with the bulbous steeple .
11 Wycliffe walked on towards the town , but he avoided the waterfront and returned instead by the main street , which was narrow enough to give some shelter from the gale .
12 Then Stephen walked on towards the open French windows , and Kate walked beside him .
13 With a sad shake of her head she walked on towards the farm buildings .
14 Wriggling free , she walked on towards the back door , Feargal following her every step .
15 The mother and daughter walked on towards the third door on the other side of the corridor and which led into Mrs Funnell 's room .
16 He shuddered involuntarily and walked on towards the printing works .
17 She turned away and carrying the basket with great care , walked on up the road to Tace Way .
18 Keith nodded and darted back to the house and Jinny walked on down the path , trying to ignore Rachel , who was in the doorway .
19 He walked on down the road , heading south towards the far end of the valley .
20 The last of the Rat-Tail men walked on down the High Street towards the Cross , stars his calling-cards .
21 She tugged at Sadie 's sleeve and they walked on down the long aisle of the hall .
22 They walked on down the wharf until they reached the ‘ Marit ’ , still talking about the coming Friday night .
23 The sister walked on down the corridor , with a muttered comment that was n't even heard .
24 I crept back the few yards to the way marked path and walked on down the track .
25 Outside I turned my back on the stairs and walked on down the passage .
26 She hesitated by the door of the sitting-room , then walked on down the passage .
27 He walked on down the hill until the lane joined the main road .
28 After a brief rest they walked on across the plateau .
29 They walked on across the cleared area in silence .
30 He walked on along the ride .
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