Example sentences of "works of [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The sculpture court and magnificent conservatory provide an attractive setting for the works of over 50 artists and craftworkers .
2 The last two — works of completely contrasting character — were written within a few weeks of each other .
3 Rosa Maria Malet , Director of the Fundación Miró in Barcelona , declared : ‘ We are talking about one of the best collections of Mirós in the world , and even if some periods are not very well represented there are some works of very great importance in the evolution of the painter 's oeuvre ’ .
4 These collections , in addition to having work of a distinctly ‘ local ’ , that is to say geographical , concentration have , in many cases , manuscripts and printed works of much wider significance in the fields of social development , religious beliefs , technological innovation , the functioning of particular industries , and so on .
5 After booting up the initiation sequence on my 700,000,000 Mb supercomputer , I fed in the works of supposedly brilliant Earth dwellers , namely Einstein , Newton and Wayne Campbell .
6 We have become so used to thinking of Günter Wand as a conductor who specialises exclusively in the late 18th and 19th Century symphonic repertoire that it comes as something of a shock to find him performing a wide variety of works of more contemporary lineage .
7 The restored Prophets have emerged as works of extraordinarily free handling , characterised by the resonant reds , greens and browns typical of Ribera 's palette from the mid 1630s .
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