Example sentences of "led [pron] into the " in BNC.

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1 He led them into the mortuary , and pulled the sheet back from the body of the girl .
2 He then led them into the Catherine Palace , once more brandishing his authority whenever an official came forward to stop them .
3 A pack leader saw the police in hot pursuit , called six Sturmabteilungen to him and led them into the stadium .
4 He led them into the kitchen , chatting to Blanche and Dexter as if they were house guests rather than police officers who had come to interview him about a murder .
5 Lady Macleod received the travellers in ‘ a stately dining-room ’ , fed them and led them into the drawing-room for tea to meet the family .
6 As the Galks led them into the desert , the travellers could see the Cun arguing with the skull people , trying to reclaim their raw meat .
7 A gaoler led them into the porter 's lodge , the fellow bowing and scraping as he recognised Sir John .
8 She led me into the pink-and-green chintzy sitting-room where Harry , pale with blue shadows below the eyes , sat in an armchair with his bandaged leg elevated on a large upholstered footstool .
9 Then the old lady took me firmly by the arm and led me into the bathroom .
10 The proprietor led me into the windowless gloom .
11 He led me into the hut he had just come out of
12 She led me into the kind of large room that Americans call studios .
13 She led me into the front room where , defensively , she picked up the baby .
14 He saw her state at once and without another word took her arm and led her into the little sitting room .
15 Elisabeth put her hand under Rosa Jacobsen 's elbow and led her into the cottage .
16 Follow , ’ and , holding her hand , he led her into the bedroom .
17 He led her into the bedroom , which was glowing with an intense white light like nothing she had ever seen in England .
18 ‘ Mrs Wormwood is n't going to thank you for this , ’ the man said as he led her into the sitting-room where a large platinum-blonde woman was gazing rapturously at the TV screen .
19 It was in Schiaparelli that she met Tricarico , who brought her aboard the Resplendent Trogon , which led her into the presence of Balthazar Plum — and if it had n't been for all that , she would never have acquired the Alice in the first place .
20 After having woken the girl , Duncan led her into the palace as they followed the policeman , past the small queue of tourists and other visitors who were waiting to sightsee .
21 Sex education as a subject is important in any discussion of the work of Mrs Whitehouse , because her experiences of it as a teacher and parent , indirectly , if not directly , led her into the public domain of the politics of sexual morality .
22 The guide led her into the air-conditioned jewellery shop and held out the box to a sales assistant .
23 As he took his hostess 's arm and led her into the dining-room , he did not glance again at Madeleine .
24 After the caretaker had unlocked the big front door and disappeared down the drive , Harry took Madeleine 's arm and led her into the drawing-room .
25 His head was spinning as he led her into the reception building .
26 Then he picked up the two bags and led her into the terminal .
27 Melissa put an arm round her and , at a sign from Madame Delon , led her into the salon , pushed her gently on to a couch and sat down beside her .
28 He led her into the hall with a shining expanse of parquet floor in front of her , his hand still on her arm .
29 He put his arm around her and led her into the room , and Maggie got up to go .
30 She led her into the house .
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