Example sentences of "continued [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And getting no response from Viola , who continued fussing over the teapot , he added , more directly : ‘ It would be silly to blue the profits before they 've even begun to come in . ’
2 We continued climbing for a short while and were soon at the highest point of our walk .
3 He continued surveying for the Earl of Radnor in Oxfordshire and for the Earl of Salisbury in Hertfordshire , among others .
4 Lambarde continued living at the Palace until 1598 and during this time he maintained and kept in repair the buildings .
5 I can not remember Mrs. Jeffery who must have died when I was quite small but her two daughters Miss Lottie Jeffery , a cripple and Mrs. Bruton continued living in the house .
6 She continued writing for the Britannica Yearbook and Britannica Extension Service after the closure of the main London office .
7 Still holding her , he raised his voice again and continued calling into the gathering smoke .
8 The cuckoo continued calling in the far recesses of the wood undeterred by the surrounding stillness .
9 They continued riding through the afternoon , by which time the dull cloud above their heads had become unbroken , and it looked as though they were in for a wet night .
10 Wooderson continued running for a few years , winning the European 5,000 metres and stretching his span of achievement from world record breaker at half-mile to national cross-country champion over nine miles in 1949 .
11 He continued blowing on the glass , and D'Arcy smelled the aftermath of yesterday 's garlic .
12 They continued drinking from the jar in turn , but gradually the effects of the smoke , the alcohol and the clamour of the gongs made his senses swim .
13 ‘ Downwind checks ( habits continue under stress ) ; I descended to 500 feet , then continued descending with a Rate 1 onto final and continued the descent to 100 feet .
14 But several leading London broking firms continued dealing throughout the night , watching election results as they were declared .
15 Mr Major just grinned and continued talking to the children , from Dulwich College , south London .
16 Plumfield continued talking in a nasal voice and she decided that he must be a demon to live with .
17 Joined by the rest of the Brigade ( two battalions ) , it continued fighting for the next six days .
18 They continued chatting for a while , in which time Nigger got the definite impression that the six months in jail that Terry told him he had recently endured for receiving stolen property , had taught him nothing at all .
19 Leaping from the bed , Seb put his bad foot to the floor and cried out in agony , but he continued hopping towards the window .
20 But he lived another seven years and continued working to the end .
21 Sal continued working as a waitress in a cafe on the Commercial Road , but Charlie knew she could n't wait to find someone willing to marry her — whatever physical shape he was in — just as long as I can sleep in a room of my own , she explained .
22 Clayton continued working in the darkroom while pursuing his goal of becoming a photographer .
23 He continued working until a week before his death and left virtually complete a large volume of addenda ( published posthumously in 1985 ) .
24 Among its recommendations were ( i ) the creation of vents and energy absorption systems which would dissipate the force of an explosion ; ( ii ) the repositioning of cargo containers to ensure that any explosive energy was either directed outwards or absorbed by other baggage containers ; and ( iii ) improving flight recorders so that they continued working after a power failure .
25 Councils of the mid-thirteenth century in England continued legislating against the worship of wells and springs , stones and trees , spells and superstitions , and penalties were provided .
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