Example sentences of "trouble [is] that the " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is that the allegation has begun to seem convincing .
2 The basic trouble is that the Palestinians ' historic espousal of ‘ moderation ’ has not won its indispensable and commensurate Israeli response .
3 The trouble is that the reform-minded Communists are still in bed with barely reformed Stalinists .
4 The trouble is that the country where the Kurds have fewest rights is Turkey .
5 The trouble is that the levy is an unsatisfactory mechanism for allocating cash .
6 The trouble is that the French and German governments , swayed by their domestic farming electorates , have been unwilling to accept radical reform of CAP , even if it means access to foreign markets in which the EC is better able to compete .
7 The trouble is that the awful things parents say about their children , often repeated , not usually ‘ meant ’ except in the heat of the moment , tend to stick .
8 The trouble is that the old mines consumed most of the deposits that were easiest to work , those close to the surface for instance .
9 The trouble is that the newer pilots , and many of the older ones , cruise their engines at too high an rpm and often leave their mixture rich during an entire flight …
10 The trouble is that the evidence is misleading : in the poetry of his maturity the pose of simplicity is assumed , and Wordsworth refers to book-learning as a poor substitute for Nature 's revelations ; Science and Art are ‘ barren leaves ’ —
11 The trouble is that the past , like the present , is in the end not optional , and it is natural to be curious about it .
12 Mr Kravchuk 's trouble is that the world does not revolve round Kiev .
13 The trouble is that the problem is proving to be more intractable than even the most cynical Democrats had feared .
14 The real trouble is that the more restricted field causes problems inasmuch as the binoculars have to be really steadily held .
15 The trouble is that the revised version of the legend of the Courts of Love is as ill-founded as the old one .
16 The trouble is that the traditions and symbols that embody and transmit these supposedly universal and perennial virtues usually turn out to be modern inventions ( Hobsbawm and Ranger , 1983 ) .
17 The trouble is that the chemicals can leach into local water tables , a factor that takes on added importance following the British Medical Association 's claim in October 1990 that most of Britain 's tap water is contaminated with pesticides , albeit at very low levels .
18 The trouble is that the finest tournament starts appear in photographs to be hitting late .
19 The trouble is that the majority of kitchens in the majority of homes were designed years ago with appliances , storage cabinets , work surfaces and lighting that is now either inadequate or unsuitable .
20 The trouble is that the visibility of corruption — and in Italy people are not modest about displaying their wealth — makes tax evasion seem socially acceptable .
21 The trouble is that the promoter can then bowdlerise or doctor the final version that appears before the House , and it is presented as though it is objective , but is it really objective ?
22 The trouble is that the public backs the law but not the means to make it work .
23 The trouble is that the Scottish Education Department disagrees with both of us and insists that religious observance must not only be reinstated but also reinforced .
24 And the trouble is that the , the , the English landlord has a name for being greedy .
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