Example sentences of "places where you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Well that would suit me cos I ca n't stand these places where you ca n't hear yourself speak !
2 We list here some other places where you may be able to obtain help or advice .
3 It is not always true that either the London agencies or the " big boys " of the business are the places where you 'll learn a more professional approach .
4 Below are a list of places where you might see Japlish written , and two alternatives for what you might see there .
5 Visit the area several times and you will find yourself being attracted to a few sites in particular : these are the places where you can meet the earth spirit .
6 A lot of clubs , a lot of places that show foreign films , places where you can get fanzines cheap — those are the places .
7 ‘ It would also be informative , letting people know churches are places where you can talk to other people and discuss your problems .
8 And yet , even here within the UK , there are places where you can see something like this already in action , a sort of national industrial strategy in microcosm .
9 There can be few places where you can indulge yourself so cheaply as the chateaux of France 's Western Loire .
10 This leaflet will answer some of your questions and at the end there is a list of places where you can get more information .
11 Now is a good time to plant herbs , and there are many unexpected places where you can grow them : a rock garden will happily accommodate marjoram , thyme and savory , while a shady corner can be used for mint and chives .
12 Committees are places where you can see people snoozing , picking their noses and pretending to be interested in subjects which are of no interest to them .
13 When in arrears he learns ‘ to sniff out the places where you can catch violators when you 're running behind ’ ( Skolnick , 1966:55 )
14 Bed is one of the prime places where you can lie without getting caught , where you can holler and grunt in the dark and later boast about your ‘ performance ’ .
15 Below are just some of the places where you can buy our goods :
16 There are plenty of places where you can what I call safe art .
17 a lot , a lot of places where you can buy eight rolls and only use seven
18 Those are the places where you will find most of the lost money .
19 Well the money that we raised from there and also from another one was about three thousand nearly four thousand three thousand something and we presented er Tommy Cooper with the cheque on the Prince , the stage of the Prince of Wales Theatre , but that cheque was to buy a special ambulance for the children of Upshire , which is the home of the disabled and this special coach had erm places where you could wheel the children into the coach in their chairs with the clamps and those children that could be taken out of their chairs and put on seats put and had their belts put around them and that was the only way that these children were able to get out !
20 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
21 However , in the following script , there are several places where you must wait for mail before proceeding .
22 In fact , five minutes after checking the record collection ( nothing worth taping ) and the obvious places where you 'd lock the booze away from the hired help .
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