Example sentences of "piece of [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Rooster is a vibrant piece of dance drama with Kenneth Tharp and Ben Wright also excelling .
2 Although it was unable to veto legislation , the Liberal majority in the Senate — led by former Deputy Prime Minister Allan MacEachan — blocked a key piece of government legislation : a bill to implement the highly unpopular goods and services tax ( GST ) , a new 7 per cent value added tax due to take effect on Jan. 1 , 1991 .
3 The nineteen eighty Employment Act gives the possibility to the employers through the U K to de-recognize legitimate trade unions and these trade union re representatives has to be the most damaging piece of government legislation of the last two decades .
4 Until last week this latter option might have been considered a possible piece of government lunacy .
5 If you had been making the movie on film , the term cut would have been taken literally because each piece of cine film is physically cut and spliced onto the next .
6 This may be under a piece of tree bark , along a ledge of some kind or hidden on the ground among the undergrowth .
7 Two physicists at the University of Sydney in Australia had a piece of copper tubing , used as a lightning conductor , which had been crushed as the electrical current passed through it .
8 The heater was magnificent — a piece of copper tubing from the engine up between the two front seats meant regular stops for fresh air before we realised we were being poisoned by fumes .
9 When , for example , a piece of copper wire is wound into a spiral , it acquires properties it did not possess previously .
10 If you can wear an earthed wrist strap or , at least , a piece of copper wire clipped to the ground plane .
11 In fact tying a pollution to its source can be a tricky piece of detective work .
12 This is not really an outstanding piece of detective work , señorita . ’
13 A TENACIOUS piece of detective work involving wartime fliers in Britain and America has had a fairy tale ending for Courtaulds pensioner Norman Bate .
14 Can I swap do you want the piece of chicken mum ?
15 Various local crafts and agricultural implements are represented , but there is also a blacksmith 's forge and a Tudor glass furnace , discovered in Rosedale ( q.v. ) in 1968 , and carefully dismantled and re-erected here in an ambitious piece of preservation work like a sort of Abu Simbel operation in miniature .
16 In this case , you could make the whole picture golden , choosing a gold frame , making the backing from a piece of gold velvet or silk , and then using gold-coloured leaves and flowers for the design itself .
17 The balls are normally spheroid and enclosed in a cage consisting of either a cross-shaped piece of sheet metal , often silver , or two metal bands .
18 We stopped off there , had hot chocolate and a piece of spinach quiche , but I was , and erm , and he treated me , which was quite amazing , and then erm ,
19 Each candidate is permitted one postage-free mailing of one piece of election literature .
20 The official report states that the broken piece of window bar was later found to have adhesive tape wrapped around each end , suggesting that it had been severed beforehand .
21 ‘ Three poppadams , ’ he said , ‘ and a little piece of mango chutney ! ’
22 But without Balfour 's active support such a controversial piece of education reform would not have passed .
23 He hurled himself over in bed to study the writing under the lamp , still could n't decide whether it was Jim 's or Bella 's , ate a piece of milk chocolate , and then six Codeines , because he had forgotten to bring his sleeping pills .
24 Word of Denim , Lawrence 's conceptual thrust into the 1990s , began to circulate immediately , but then the trail went cold apart from overheard rumours and the odd piece of rogue merchandising ( Denim patches and plectrums ) turning up at the NME .
25 SCI-FI fans can grab a piece of TV history in the ‘ Entertainment Sale ’ at posh auctioneers Bonhams .
26 The boy sat on the floor beside her , carving a piece of balsa wood .
27 His hair was tied back with a piece of tinsel string he had found in the Christmas decorations box .
28 One was to paint the roofs of LA big armaments plants to look like suburban gardens ( for fear of Japanese bombing ) ; the other was this quite extraordinary piece of cartoon propaganda .
29 Using a technique pioneered in America , where drop-in surgery is commonplace , Waters made a three-inch incision , cut through the layers of ‘ padding ’ , pushed back the hernia sack , and then tucked in a 2½ inch by 1 ¼ inch piece of polypropylene mesh to reinforce the muscle wall .
30 and you 'll receive a special piece of rugby history .
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