Example sentences of "girls ' [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Jessica Wright was fourth in the junior girls ' 200m backstroke and Catherine Denard and Beth Grant were both sixth in the 1977 girls ' backstroke and 1978 girls ' butterfly respectively .
2 What will happen when other individuals lay claim to the girls ' affection and loyalty is another question .
3 There is also a Girls ' Choir and a Primary Boys ' Choir .
4 The lesson proceeded slowly and hauntingly , the flow of French conversation was not at all brisk on the girls ' part and the constant pauses began to irritate Mademoiselle .
5 However , this book does more than foreground girls ' experience and the culture of femininity .
6 She gave us parties and disapproved of me teaching : Jennifer darling , surely you can get a job in a nice private girls ' school But when I was 14 and had awful tonsillitis she brought me lemon and honey and sat on the edge of the pillow holding my damp hand .
7 For example , Felicity , who had attended an independent girls ' school where all the teaching staff were women , said :
8 She now teaches at a local girls ' school where she finds the all-female staff ‘ extremely supportive of each other ’ .
9 The wartime routine was enlivened by a series of afternoon musical concerts for secondary school pupils at the Davenport Theatre ; by potato-picking at harvest time ; by Christmas work at the General Post Office ; by firewatching duties with the ARP , both at School and at Stockport High School ( the latter venue being very popular , a girls ' school and not to be confused with its short-lived 19th century boys ' predecessor ) ; and by the various fund-raising " War Weeks " : " War Weapons Week " in 1941 raised £5,729 ; " School Warships " in 1942 £5,900 ; " Wings for Victory " in 1943 £10,571 ; " Salute the Soldier " in 1944 £10,785 ; and " Thanksgiving Week " in 1945 raised £14,100 , and also won the boys an extra half-holiday .
10 Rosalind was educated at St Paul 's Girls ' School and at Newnham College , Cambridge , where she received a first class in part i ( 1940 ) of the natural sciences tripos and a second in part ii ( division I ) in 1941 .
11 At a ceremony at Belfast Castle yesterday , the following partnerships were commended : Belfast Royal Academy and Chem-Vite ; Boys ' Model and the European Commission ; St Gemma 's Secondary School and Boots ; St Gabriel 's Boys ' Secondary and the Eastern Health Board ; Little Flower Girls ' School and Royal Mail ; La Salle Boys ' Secondary and European Components Corporation , and St Mary 's Grammar
12 She has been an A grade student all the way through her time at the Darlington girls ' school and is a stalwart of the school 's debating society .
13 It 's great fun , very enjoyable , but for a young women who 's perhaps come up from a convent or an all girls ' school and who feels very uncomfortable with this person because he 's thirty years older and has power over here , it 's not perceived in the same way .
14 This was the long haired girls ' compromise but it became very common early 70s style for girls & for boys .
15 Children had been left with matches to light the gas , and the girls ' caretaker and the needlewoman had both taken ‘ french leave ’ .
16 No more than 14 when she pocketed the Scottish Girls ' title and the Scottish Girls ' Under-22 Stroke-Play Championship for a first time , Jane became the youngest ever to play for Great Britain and Ireland in the Curtis Cup when she was chosen for the 1980 match at St. Pierre .
17 After defeating Pam at the 19th to win the Scottish , she went on to bag the Australian Girls ' title and the British Stroke-Play Championship .
18 Her successes include winning the 1987 Gosforth Junior Open , the 1988 Tyneside G.C. Girls ' title and selection for the Durham County girls ' team for whom she had a 100 per cent record in the four matches she played .
19 They took a special interest in the girls ' curriculum and , in keeping with the ‘ equal but different ’ philosophy , tended to promote the study of domestic subjects .
20 She connects psychological variables like parental contact and control , extended family and peer care and contact , the girls ' autonomy and responsibility , their hostility and suspicion towards the world , and their early sense of themselves as adult women rather than children , to specific social , political and economic oppressions which affect them .
21 At the girls ' establishment where she had been sent at huge expense to learn music and French and to carry out the ornate disciplines conceived by the headmistress — including communal teeth-washing in the gardens , winter and summer , and then communal gargling into the rosebeds , which the headmistress regarded as a form of manure-spreading — the pain was put down to growing too fast .
22 The Head Girl of Malvern Girls ' College and a scientist contemporary represented the Upper VI , and here again they had different backgrounds , one having joined the school from a smaller boarding school for the Vl form , and the other having gone right through at Malvern .
23 It was usual for the Girls to stay at the English Girls ' Club when they first arrived .
24 Aunt Margaret came to the girls ' bedroom and unhandily undressed Victoria , although she could perfectly well undress herself .
25 In our games we borrowed lives from the books we read or from the hardy and hard-done-by heroines of Bunty , Girls ' Crystal or School Friend .
26 She teaches at Sleaford division of the Girls ' Brigade and also at her local Sunday school ; Phyl McMillan , of London , for her contribution to swimming for the disabled and for the over-50s , for whom she and her husband formed a club .
27 And at least we 'll find the girls ' car because according to what one can make out of her statement , they were removed from it somewhere on the road between here and Taverna yesterday morning … ’
28 I do n't think you will be surprised to learn that that in fact shows a very clear divergence between what was considered to be girls ' training and boys ' training and the most stark statistic was in relation to who was going into government training centres .
29 At first Miss Outram told them to ask their mothers , but feeling she might lose the girls ' confidence if she blocked their curiosity she took a more direct approach .
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