Example sentences of "carried over [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some sociologists have researched ‘ counter school ’ youth cultures , and how they are naturally carried over onto the shopfloor .
2 Such attitudes were far removed from the world of the fictional Sir Joseph Bowlem in Dickens 's Chimes short story who boasted ‘ I allow nothing to be carried over into the New Year ; every description of account is settled in this house at the close of the old one ’ , and the real life employee of Manders the Wolverhampton paintmakers who scribbled on the flyleaf of a 1896 catalogue :
3 St Joseph 's church at Crofton is retained , and elements of the two churches which have been replaced are carried over into the new one .
4 The principle of counting to ensure pastoral care and effective deployment of manpower is carried over into the New Testament .
5 This policy was to be carried over into the post-independence period .
6 The grammar of English is carried over into the signing and presumably evaluation of the adequacy of BSL is based on the ease with which it can be fitted to this English format .
7 Now , thanks in no small measure to his own contribution to the Hampshire cause , he has one ; and the only disappointment is that the climax of the match was watched by only about 8000 people , as the weather caused it to be carried over into the second day .
8 The interest in the one form of expression can be carried over into the other .
9 Further , some at least of the influential individuals in a community may operate outside the field of industrial relations : drawing on the work of Blauner ( 1960 ) , Bulmer suggests that the strong occupational communities characteristic of mining settlements occur because the social relations forged in the workplace are carried over into the arenas of non-work activity , creating overlapping primary group affiliations in which
10 It was part of the Greek conception of reason , after all , that reason was not just a purely intellectual affair but carried over into the life-world , with considerable practical implications .
11 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
12 This division of the sky was eventually carried over to the division of the circle and so led to our present habit of dividing the complete ( two-dimensional ) angle around a point into 360 degrees .
13 a widow is the first line of a paragraph left alone at the foot of a page and an orphan is the last line of a paragraph carried over to the top of a new page .
14 an over-ambitious agenda which takes too long to complete or has to be carried over to the next meeting .
15 It 's a pity this finish quality is n't carried over to the fingerboard , an area of a budget guitar which often lets it down .
16 The Government confirmed that the Bill would not proceed — it fell with the dissolution of Parliament on 16 March ( unfinished legislation can not be carried over to the new parliament ) .
17 So too his message of the coming kingdom can not be lifted out and carried over to the present : that message was refuted when Jesus himself attempted to provoke the intervention of God and bring about the end of history by challenging the powers and authorities of his own day .
18 Bell had done original design work on a defunct prop-powered XP–59 and that designation was carried over to the new effort in an attempt to mask the true nature of the project .
19 When night fell we were appalled to find that the same principle had been carried over to the highway .
20 Any tasks not completed by the due date on the ‘ to do list ’ can be automatically carried over to the reminders list , a facility I found to be very useful .
21 Any tasks not completed by the due date on the ‘ to do list ’ can be automatically carried over to the reminders list , a facility I found to be very useful .
22 The battle for political supremacy was thus carried over to the Congress itself .
23 He was suspended for five matches by UEFA after his verbal attack on Swedish referee Rune Larrson during the European Cup-Winners ' Cup game against Spartak Moscow last October — four games of which will be carried over to the next Liverpool campaign in Europe following their elimination last October by Spartak Moscow .
24 The four-cylinder engine was more reliable in 1957 , but BRM took a long time to realise that the P25 's air strut suspension — carried over from the V16 — was the cause of its savage oversteer .
25 They are sometimes acidic to neutralise any alkaline residues carried over from the washing process and sometimes include disinfectants .
26 They would have preferred process control and development staff to have established the new processes , and would have preferred to recruit ‘ green labour ’ to the new machines so that ‘ bad habits ’ would not have been carried over from the old production process .
27 Many of the older people found it difficult to throw off the ‘ criminal , associations which had carried over from the fifties and sixties .
28 Last year NEC shipped 14,200 of the EWS4800 workstations , which was 120% up on normal sales for the previous year — excluding an extraordinary order for 6,000 units from Daiwa Securities carried over from the 1991-92 fiscal year — and anticipates growth to 20,000 shipments this financial year — growth which is stable in value terms , according to NEC .
29 Last year NEC shipped 14,200 of the EWS4800 workstations , which was 120% up on normal sales for the previous year — excluding an extraordinary order for 6,000 units from Daiwa Securities carried over from the 1991–92 fiscal year — and anticipates growth to 20,000 shipments this financial year — growth which is stable in value terms , according to NEC .
30 At the 40th session of the UNHCR Executive Committee in October 1989 the 43 member states adopted a general programme budget of $190,000,000 for the first six months of 1990 only ; after extensive debate at an extraordinary session in May 1990 and at the regular session in October , the Executive Committee finally adopted a general programme budget for 1990 amounting to $378,885,900 , including the $38,000,000 deficit carried over from the previous year .
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