Example sentences of "carried [adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I , my interest lies particularly I think in the kind of erm popular fiction written in America between the wars , though it has to some extent carried on since World War Two .
2 Activities carried on outside office hours which are accountancy related and therefore similar to daily work — Preparation of club and charity accounts — Providing accountancy or taxation services etc .
3 The profit-making activity of the sub-licensees was carried on outside Hong Kong but the grant of the sub-licences took place in Hong Kong where the taxpayer operated .
4 If the price has been fixed on the basis that a particular fact is correct , the acquirer will agree that the risk of it not being so , even if no one could have known , should fall on the seller , since the seller will have been paid a price which assumed that the warranty was correct ; although no doubt the seller will point out that the business is being bought as a going concern and a business can not be carried on without risk .
5 ( 2 ) The conditions referred to in subsection ( 1 ) above are : ( a ) that the premises of the club are structurally adapted and bona ride used , or intended to be used , wholly or mainly for the purpose of providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests of athletic sports or athletic games ; ( b ) that one or more of such sports or games is or are usually carried on out of doors and , when so carried on , can ( unless artificial lighting is used ) only be carried on during hours of daylight ; ( c ) that the said premises are regularly used , or are intended regularly to be used , during the winter period , for providing facilities in connection with the carrying on by members of the club and their guests , during the hours of daylight , of such a sport or game as is mentioned in paragraph ( ii ) above ; ( d ) that having regard to the time at which the said sport or game is usually carried on by members of the club and their guests , the permitted hours set out in section 53(3) of this Act are not suitable for the supply of alcoholic liquor in the said premises to persons who participate in that sport or game .
6 I gave myself a pat on the back though and carried on through Cross Rift into Selenite Passage where the rock sparkles with the glassy selenite running through the walls .
7 If true , these matters are of concern to the Bank as supervisor of the [ defendants ] and raise questions as to the continued fulfilment of the minimum criteria for authorisation set out in Schedule 3 to the Banking Act 1987 , which includes inter alia the requirement that directors , controllers and managers of authorised institutions shall be fit and proper to hold their positions and that the business of the institution will be carried on with integrity and skill and in a prudent manner .
8 His work on Linear B was carried on with flair by John Chadwick ( b.1920 ) .
9 Leathart in his report , dated 10 September 1833 , felt that " … generally the mines are carried on with spirit , and conducted with skill …
10 By the later nineteenth century , these dangers were much less ; and perhaps more striking is Davy 's other remark , about how in his lifetime chemistry had ceased to be a science of furnaces and large quantities , and had become an activity to be carried on with spirit-lamps and test-tubes in the drawing room .
11 In the Midlands , even in the large industrial towns , we find markets still being carried on with stalls pitched in a large open space , covering perhaps a couple of acres , exactly in the medieval fashion .
12 I wish I 'd have carried on with piano lessons .
13 If you generally only go out as a treat , a commitment to healthy eating will mean that you want to choose dishes that build on the good work you have carried on at home .
14 The company carried on at Brookhouse , under various members of the family .
15 Whereupon Stoker , gifted with Dublin 's malice , wrote instead a novel — about a bloodsucking , ennobled gentleman whose business was carried on at night , in or around grand dramatic buildings .
16 He was heavily into drugs by the time he left school and carried on at Cambridge . ’
17 The mill also housed a bakehouse on the lower floor , several bake-ovens set in the rear wall being largely intact , surviving as a reminder of what was once an important local trade , carried on at Aston mill for over a century .
18 They did not believe us , and were carried on to Banbury .
19 My eye fell on a page she had left on the kitchen table the other day and I had noted , before I could avert my eyes , a pretty scholarly history of my conversion to double-knotting , after an incident when I was unable to get out of the train at Greenwich one evening and found myself being carried on to Maze Hill , because someone was standing on the trailing lace of my shoe .
20 It could now be argued that the unity of wartime should be carried on to deal with peacemaking , demobilization and economic reconstruction .
21 One year I walked from Newby Head by Cam High Road to Hawes on a wonderful late spring day and carried on to Hardraw to watch my local band , Settle and Giggleswick Brass Band , take first prize from amongst a great deal of strong opposition .
22 Carried on to Miss Berry 's room and tapped very softly on the door .
23 The police carried on down Duke Street , clearing the crowd in front of them as demonstrators screamed hysterically .
24 Little wonder then that the Forest system was heartily detested by all classes of the king 's subjects , and that from the twelfth century onward a bitter and determined struggle was carried on between Crown and people for its abolition .
25 The clearest testimony to the level of exchange being carried on between England and the Continent , especially in transactions involving gold , is the existence of sets of balances accompanied by weights .
26 I hope that this historical survey gives you some insight into the work that has been carried on regarding AI , in particular expert systems , for the maintenance of aircraft within the RAF .
27 If , if you carried on till November any way .
28 This does not , however , enable a partnership with a foreign lawyer to be carried on within England and Wales .
29 A fruitless correspondence between Paton and Henderson was carried on throughout July 1931 .
30 We were there in early December , and the work carried on after dark very often , lit only by the exterior lights of the melin , which were scarcely adequate illumination .
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