Example sentences of "earth was the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 but the essential point , that the Earth was the centre of the Universe , remained .
2 Not so long ago , Western man believed that the Earth was flat , that the Earth was the centre of the universe , and that God had created the Earth in seven days according to a literal interpretation of a creation myth given in an old Jewish book .
3 We have certainly come a long way since Aristotle and Ptolemy , when we thought that the earth was the centre of the universe !
4 Does n't it recall the time when the church taught that our Earth was the centre of the universe , and the stars just little pinpricks of light set in the sky for our delight ( or , even more absurdly presumptuous , that the stars go out of their way to exert astrological influences on our little lives ) ?
5 He believed this because he felt , for mystical reasons , that the earth was the center of the universe , and that circular motion was the most perfect .
6 He , of course , assumed that the earth was the hub of the universe , and also that the cosmos was controlled by celestial beings , rather like the living beings or cherubim of Ezekiel .
7 What on earth was the matter with her ?
8 What on earth was the matter with her ?
9 ‘ And would n't you think just one person would be glad to help me ? ’ she wailed when Ellie asked what on earth was the matter .
10 What on earth was the matter with her .
11 If indeed the lady in the mask died at the birth of her child in 1575 , what on earth was the good of examining various ladies in 1578 ?
12 What on earth was the point of it all ?
13 What on earth was the point of collecting money to save the tower of a church that was n't even beautiful ?
14 What on earth was the world coming to ?
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