Example sentences of "eye to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Group would review all proposals with an eye to determining issues of policy .
2 Julia Bard ( ‘ The priests have it ’ , 1 May ) rebukes anti-racists for turning a blind eye to religious fundamentalism , and cites a recent issue of the Runnymede Trust Bulletin to illustrate her argument .
3 There is no doubt that officialdom in Brussels turns a blind eye to anti-competitive behaviour by state-owned industries in a way that it is not prepared to do for private companies .
4 The word list has been created with an eye to current concerns so that students will be exposed to an up-to-date vocabulary that is relevant to them .
5 At each level , the word list has been created with an eye to current concerns so that students are exposed to an up-to-date vocabulary which is really relevant to their needs .
6 They drew the eye to One Tree Hill , now forested over , and from this clump , at Chested , he could look back over the top of Chiddingstone Castle to another clump at Mark Beech beyond .
7 The descriptions depend on the sensitivity of the observer 's eye to specific wavelengths , instrumental variation ( such as chamber pressure , voltage , beam focus and beam current ) and the wavelength-dependent transmission properties of the optical system , including the gradual buildup of brown pyrlysis deposits on the viewing window .
8 In 1931 Japan resorted to force and occupied Manchuria , but the West , absorbed in its own problems , was able to turn a blind eye to such encroachments within the confines of East Asia .
9 With an eye to new markets for our technical services , we are developing closer relationships with partners in Western Europe .
10 Although her appointments were made with an eye to preserving party unity as well as recognizing ability , Thatcherites — often young and lacking ministerial experience — were not obvious candidates for promotion at the time .
11 Have the Government finally abandoned the erstwhile Tory doctrine that the rule of law must be upheld in all circumstances , now that the Attorney-General is turning a blind eye to big supermarkets breaking the Sunday trading law and as the poll tax non-payment campaign has apparently recruited the architect 's daughter ?
12 Many have become lifestyle feminists with husbands and boyfriends who have cultivated the good-humoured acceptance of feminist ideas and who behave as non-oppressive , anti-sexist men , cooking the ratatouille , organising crêches at women 's conferences , and turning a blind eye to untidy houses and piles of dirty washing .
13 We are eye to unseen eye .
14 As British economists know only too well , it is easy to turn a blind eye to unwelcome truths of this kind and to indulge for decades in a form of national self-delusion .
15 This mixture of sizes did nothing to detract from the overall beauty of the place ; rather they gave interest , drawing the eye to different shapes and heights .
16 Like most shows which are manufactured with an eye to commercial success ( Winnie , High Society , to name only Buddy 's predecessors at the Victoria Palace ) , this one will probably fail .
17 Thus , although the main aim of our research was to help Wirral Council to develop policies and plan services for heroin users , based on a sound empirical base , we also had an eye to improving methods of estimating prevalence which any community might employ to answer such questions as : How many residents are known to use heroin or other illicit drugs ?
18 This project is based on three premises : that more young economists , bound for industry , particularly consultancy , the civil service and the city , should have at least been apprenticed in research--hence , in part , the use of occasional research assistants rather than experienced professionals ; that applied economists should pay more attention to the views of non economists , and , in particular of practitioners in the fields they study , hence the emphasis on the flexibility required if we are to look at problems differently , or use different types of evidence ; and that more of us should build our models self consciously , with an eye to analytical convenience and ease of interpretation , considerations which would be less important were economics less inexact , since it might then make sense to seek the correct model , however difficult to analyse and understand .
19 Until then , police practice involved turning a blind eye to minor breaches of public decency rather than embarking on lengthy prosecutions .
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