Example sentences of "answer [is] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 The answer is that the City gents are surprisingly fond of their beer .
2 So , the answer is that the strongest motives restrain Governments from limiting the rate of growth of public expenditure to that rate which they could be sure of meeting within the growth of the national product and thus without any substantial increase in taxation but also without relying upon borrowing and without monetisation of debt .
3 ( His answer is that the unseen hand belongs not to Adam Smith 's market forces but to Chris Patten , the leftish party chairman .
4 ( Why this word was specially chosen has been the subject of scholarly controversy ; the probable answer is that the Christian who died for Christ was believed to be uniquely united with his crucified Master , thereby linking the concept of witness with sacrificial dying ; but in martyrdom the cause is primary , the dying secondary . )
5 The short answer is that the image covered the intersection of official rhetoric and popular nostalgia .
6 The short answer is that the French government demanded guarantees from the Prussian government that the candidature would not be renewed in any circumstances , implying that since the government in Berlin was officially involved , only an official denial would satisfactorily end the affair .
7 Part of the answer is that the vast majority of service personnel who answer telephones , serve in shops and deal with the great British public are female .
8 The most likely answer is that the Candida lowers the blood sugar , by constantly using up the sugar supplied in food , producing a type of hypoglycaemia ( see p 130 ) .
9 The answer is that the new identities are just one of a number of changes taking place in higher education .
10 AST Research Inc 's agreement to buy Tandy Corp 's personal computer manufacturing business will shoot the Irvine , California company up to fourth place in the US market ahead of Dell Computer Corp and behind Apple Computer Inc , IBM Corp and Compaq Computer Corp — but why should anyone want to buy a personal computer manufacturer — after all no-one came in for bankrupt Everex Systems Inc : the answer is that the deal includes full access to Tandy 's retail stores — AST will supply machines to be sold under the Tandy brand name ; the plant in Scotland is also an attraction .
11 A plausible answer is that the VSR is a function of e and D alone , whereas the HSR is a function of e , D and the angle of slant of the surface about a vertical axis .
12 The answer is that the stability will persist in the form of regimes which continue to promote the economic interests of the hegemon ( specifically the USA ) , as , for example , in areas such as telecommunications and finance .
13 Kuhn 's answer is that the thinking of a scientific community takes place within a ‘ paradigm ’ which governs what scientists are to make of recalcitrant experience .
14 The answer is that the Schrödinger equation is only half the dynamical story .
15 The first answer is that the commodity form of commercial recordings has a ‘ distorting ’ effect and that there is a deeper ‘ real content ’ ‘ lying behind ’ the distortions .
16 The teacher 's answer is that the student must assume this proof .
17 A frequent blemish upon an otherwise good answer is that the relevant rule of law is not expressly stated but is left to be implied from the candidate 's conclusion .
18 The answer is that the surgeons in those units believe that the expensive implants are better than the cheaper models .
19 The answer is that the no-boundary proposal makes definite predictions for how the universe should behave .
20 The answer is that the criteria are built into the traditions of the separate disciplinary communities .
21 One possible answer is that the family relatives of the eaten butterfly may benefit from its death .
22 The answer is that the earliest attempt to explain the disorder was that the brain regions for understanding and for producing speech were intact , and what was damaged was the neural pathway which conducted information between these two pathways .
23 The answer is that the total energy of the universe is exactly zero .
24 Saussure 's answer is that the function of the sign depends exclusively on its relationship with , or more exactly its difference from , other signs .
25 If expectations are fixed then the answer is that the government can achieve point A on the iso-vote line V 1 by expanding aggregate demand to generate inflation of P 1 and unemployment of U 1 .
26 The answer is that the expanded memory driver that you have installed uses 12KBytes of conventional memory .
27 The answer is that the London Rubber Company , Hoffman LaRoche , Kelloggs , the Central Electricity Generating Board , and the National Coal Board have all been the subject of investigations by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission .
28 The short answer is that the elimination of barriers to trade and the boost to competition will have an economic pay-off .
29 The answer is that the clause would , because it said so , give the sellers property rights over the mixed ( manufactured ) goods .
30 The answer is that the ownership will remain the same .
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