Example sentences of "become [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The armed forces of the non-Soviet Warsaw Pact countries have become professional military establishments , trained and equipped to high standards , and commanded by dedicated and reliable officers .
2 At one point Zab asks : ‘ What have we lost … since the disappearance of books ? ’ ( 38 ) , and as if in reply , Tim describes cybernetic abstractions as the cause of mental and physiological degeneration : ‘ We 've become stunted human beings .
3 Now after five albums and two TV series they are well known to thousands of children throughout Britain , and their songbooks have become standard music-lesson texts in schools in Scotland .
4 Humans had become mere technical grist to the mill like any base metal .
5 It required the applicant States to demonstrate that Germany had either consented to Article 6 , or that Article 6 had become customary international law .
6 A United States ' claim that those parts of the Convention that it favours have become customary international law has considerable implications for the international law-making process and for the third party rule .
7 Meciar , 49 , had been a member of Public Against Violence and a minister in the Slovak government after the collapse of the Communist regime ( and before his own increasing identification with Slovak nationalist causes ) , and had become Slovak Prime Minister after the June 1990 elections , but was dismissed in April 1991 following allegations that he had abused his access to secret police files [ see pp. 38161 ; 38830-31 ] .
8 Goods that had been imported from the Continent may then have become powerful social tools by their redistribution through the social system , and in this way they form part of the subject of internal exchange .
9 Hamburg and Bremen had become great oceanic ports , and France and Germany began to compete in the ocean liner traffic ; soon there were regular services to every part of the world .
10 Some eruptions have become major historical events , since many of the world 's greatest natural disasters have been associated with volcanoes , either directly through the effects of explosions and suffocation by volcanic gases , or indirectly through the much further-reaching effects of tidal waves triggered off by an eruption , such as those resulting from the great eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 .
11 He replied , apparently to the students ' dissatisfaction , that he had himself encountered nothing of the kind and indeed that many of those who had started off the war with him and seen it through to the end had become major military commanders .
12 No doubt intelligent 20-year-olds have become successful foreign exchange dealers within a year , but to train a graduate-level engineer takes five years or more .
13 If I had elected to stay there , I probably would not have become homeless five years later .
14 Lacanian concepts of signifers , desire , and the Imaginary , have become common feminist currency .
15 Of this number the great majority went unrecorded , probably even unobserved , but a very few made such an impact on human affairs that they have become significant historical events , and have been described and discussed in the minutest detail .
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