Example sentences of "apart [prep] being [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from being expensive to produce they suffer wear in the course of use and as a result are excluded .
2 ‘ What is she like , apart from being keen on other people 's principles ?
3 With the uncertainty about oil prices and the expense of both gas and electricity , many people are opting for wood-burning stoves These have long been a favourite in Northern Europe and America , and they can be amazingly efficient in heating most of the house , quite apart from being decorative .
4 As you know , the walls of the cottage , apart from being uneven , are not vertically straight .
5 The content of the new journalism was appalling but at least it indicated that the masses could read and apart from being useful that offered the prospect that readers might move on to better things .
6 Apart from being disinclined for work , Mrs Peterson was showing her age more than ever and was not capable of sustained effort .
7 Clearly at a basic level if you just gave someone a board and lake to practise on , apart from being dangerous it would take many months of frustration for them to work out what to do .
8 Apart from being dry .
9 Apart from being married , he 's got a nasty reputation where the Wrens in this flotilla are concerned .
10 You mean apart from being married to him ?
11 Apart from being awkward , the Arabic version also distorts the information structure of the original by presenting the first element ( ‘ general picture ’ ) as given when the point of the cleft structure is to present it as the new information worth attending to .
12 Apart from being one of the smallest ( 225 square miles ) of the 11 national parks in England and Wales , the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park is also the only park in Britain which is largely coastal and mainly covering lowland areas .
13 Apart from being one of the most widely read and influential books , it is also more enlightened than most of the published work getting through to teachers , health visitors , therapists and parents too .
14 Apart from being one of the largest blue boats in years , it is also one of the youngest , with only one American he 's the boat club president , Mike Aspel .
15 Cut glass was what is now called crystal , though it is nothing of the kind , and it has advantages apart from being elegant .
16 They were er anybody that knows about moleskin , and there very heavy material er and apart from being hard-wearing , I suppose they , in the winter time , they gave them a wee bit of warmth in their legs etcetera .
17 Apart from being inaccurate — Denmark has no visa regime — the statement betrayed the Minister 's muddled thinking on refugee issues .
18 Apart from being thinner , and less obviously female than Holly-jack , she was the same .
19 Apart from being offensive , this is bad theology .
20 A three year battle against a vile aluminium flue on the building near to our kitchen window — some 16″ diameter , nearly fifty feet high and noisy to boot ( apart from being illegal and erected without planning permission ) .
21 Apart from being slimmer and healthier at the end of the diet , you should also be quite knowledgeable on the subject of diet in general , and be your own expert on the diet that 's right for you .
22 The Government has invested £1.1m to make CD-Rom technology available in schools and apart from being available in many North-East schools our CD-Rom is widely used in schools as far afield as St Albans and London .
23 apart from being positive in putting your point across and erm being clear in things that you say things that you do being strong about it
24 Apart from being aware of the level of markedness of a given structure in the source and target languages , a translator should also learn to make use of the thematization devices available in each language .
25 Apart from being delicious and low in calories , fruit , veg and ‘ greens ’ are packed with vital vitamins and minerals .
26 Apart from being old , he 's ill , dying , but he 's still your father . ’
27 Apart from being able to use a wider range of taps and fittings ( including ‘ aerated ’ taps ) , the main advantages of an unvented system are :
28 Apart from being cold enough to remove your skin , there is a sinister tunnel sweeping water away on some underground journey , and although a metal grid may stop you from joining it , I have visions of diving in naked with a happy yell , only to emerge in the urinals of the aluminium smelter in Fort William .
29 you wave it round here It 's a good day is n't it apart from being cold .
30 Did your husband , or did he not , complain that the houseboat Grace , apart from being damp , needed extensive repairs , and that it was difficult if not impossible for you to resume any meaningful sexual relationship when your cabin acted as a kind of passageway with your daughters constantly going to and fro to gain access to the hatch , and a succession of persons , including the milkman , trampling overhead ?
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