Example sentences of "majority of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The electorate increased , party battles became much more intense and the vast majority of divisions in the House became party divisions in that over nine-tenths of the party voted as the whips indicated .
2 The majority of cases with sustained coverage involved young girls ( including a couple of cases where the victim was under 10 ) who were usually alone and the focus of a single attack .
3 Perhaps because of the long-standing provision of special clinics , the large majority of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in such clinics , in contrast to other countries , where less than 20 per cent of cases are seen in hospitals .
4 In the majority of cases of late congenital syphilis the condition is in a latent phase , and it may be difficult to decide whether the infection is congenital or acquired .
5 In the United Kingdom , in contrast to anywhere else in the world , the majority of cases of sexually transmitted disease are seen in clinics staffed by specialists trained particularly to deal with these problems .
6 Some deny that Candida is a common problem , while others claim that it underlies the majority of cases of food intolerance .
7 But it 's believed that the majority of cases of tuberculosis , that we actually see , are so called post-primary tuberculosis where all of this process is taking place asymptomatically and the host is in this state of balance but something else comes along and stresses cell mediated immunity and the control breaks down so that th the organism M T B wins out very dramatically over the , over the macrophages and you end up with this post-primary pattern of tuberculosis .
8 Paradoxical pain may well exist but is neither well documented nor common ; it does not account for the majority of cases of uncontrolled pain , and we are not aware of any evidence that it was an important factor in the care of the patient in the recent highly publicised court case .
9 Once sown or planted , herbs will grow strongly and healthily to maturity in the majority of cases without help , except while seedlings or young plants , but even so the help needed will be minimal .
10 ‘ requiring a seat belt ’ This can be proved in the majority of cases by showing that the vehicle was a normal saloon car being fitted with approved seat belts .
11 This point can be proved in the majority of cases by the observations of the reporting officer .
12 The diagnosis of gonorrhoea in man can thus be confirmed in the majority of cases within the time it takes to stain and examine a slide of urethral discharge from the penis — a matter of some fifteen or twenty minutes .
13 In the development of illness , therefore , a combination of external and internal factors is involved in the majority of cases in the production of the original imbalance , and this imbalance can occur on any level , depending on the main thrust of the external stress .
14 Soviet cases with political implications were given a great deal of publicity in the West , but there is little reason to believe that the great majority of cases in the Soviet Union were dealt with any less fairly than elsewhere .
15 However , the vast majority of cases in which samples are exhibited are , in any case , likely to be sales by description .
16 The great majority of companies in the construction industry are companies limited by shares , to which this chapter refers .
17 The Exchange 's executive director Sergey Starodubov has said in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant that the majority of offers from foreign firms amount to the foreign partners being responsible for most of the hard currency expenditure involved in carrying out a project .
18 The majority of visitors to Hong Kong , however , develop an instant buy , buy , buy mania .
19 Moreover , statistics collected by the Countryside Commission suggest that the overwhelming majority of visitors to the countryside venture no more than a couple of hundred yards from their car .
20 The probabilities for events that could initiate a LOCA — pipe or component failures , transients and so on — is derived in part from data banks that store information on failure rates from reactors around the world , but the large majority of probabilities of system failures are determined from fault-tree techniques .
21 The majority of women aged 35 and over were using some form of birth control .
22 Some swelling is normal in later pregnancy — in fact the majority of women with healthy pregnancies have a certain amount of swelling — so your midwife or doctor will not be concerned at slightly puffy hands , face or ankles near the end of pregnancy .
23 The total amount of time taken up in such social exchanges or interactions in this sample is in fact relatively small : a division of housewives into three groups according to the proportion of work time thus occupied — less than twenty-five per cent , between twenty-five and fifty per cent , more than fifty per cent — revealed the majority of women to be in the first group ; there was no significant relationship with work satisfaction patterns .
24 But the majority of women in all walks of life looked to make their career as housewives .
25 What they each gained separately was a greater individual confidence and capacity for self-determination as women , and each of them fed that confidence back into a variety of struggles to change the position of women , and in the case of the majority of women in that particular group , to a struggle for some kind of socialism .
26 Their wives were chic , exquisitely dressed — far better than the majority of women in post-war Paris .
27 And for women who work less than 16 hours per week ( as do the majority of women in West Belfast ) the legislation does not cover them ; there is no obligation to monitor those working under 16 hours per week !
28 To imagine what a girl 's prospects actually were , we should bear in mind three by now well-established points about the employment of women in general : by and large women were doing different work from men of similar age and class ; women were concentrated in unskilled and low-paid jobs ; and a majority of women in paid work were young and unmarried .
29 As early as May 1910 , the local WFL organiser , Madge Turner , commented more in sorrow than in anger on the dispute , admitting that " the saddest part of it all is that the majority of women in all the departments are supporting the men .
30 There is , for example , virtually no economic justification for retaining any hedgerows at all on the majority of farms in the southern and eastern counties of England .
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