Example sentences of "doubt that [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 They blended together from the first and there can be no doubt that Harry 's forceful play on the right wing was one of the prime reasons why Simpson was able to crack in so many goals .
2 There was no doubt that Harry 's twenty-first celebration was proving a phenomenal success .
3 Donna Landry entertains very little doubt that Leapor 's poetry is basically lesbian though the case is not argued in depth .
4 There can be no doubt that Sewell 's efforts in assisting Palace to retain that place in Division One were magnificent .
5 Reading Thein Pe 's eye-witness account of what has happened in Burma makes it apparent to any still in doubt that Japan 's slogan of ‘ Asia for the Asiatics ’ means in reality ‘ Asia for Japan ’ .
6 I have to say that neither piece is vintage Schumann , but when the old magic really starts to work ( as in the ‘ Gloria ’ and ‘ Agnus Dei ’ of the Requiem ) , one is left in no doubt that Schumann 's was a creative mind of the very first order .
7 The claims and counter-claims of the NUM and the NCB regarding the number of strikers were the focus of much debate , but in general if not specific terms there is little doubt that MacGregor 's ( 1986 , p. 341 ) claims for January 1985 were accurate :
8 Yet there can be little doubt that Joseph 's reformism was genuine and was combined with an attempt to appeal to the national past ; he encouraged the national theatre , set up a commission to exhume Cervantes ' remains , patronized a national museum of painting .
9 In the letter to Mr Fallon Lord Swaythling said there was no doubt that Labour 's policies about tobacco advertising and sponsorship could lead to a reduction in jobs at Rothmans in the North-East of England .
10 A mature Christian is in no doubt that God 's concern for this world is greater than ours .
11 There is no doubt that Hitler 's anti-Semitism , perceived as it was chiefly in connection with legal discrimination against Jews , was acceptable to the millions of his admirers .
12 There can be little doubt that Hitler 's conquests were ideologically bankrupt , but they were built on a profound understanding and wilful exploitation of German fears and ambitions .
13 Apart from anything else , there is no doubt that Joni 's meeting with Berenson gave him access to a circle of wealthy collectors , like Dan Fellows Platt , and scholars and researchers , such as Frederic Mason Perkins .
14 There is no doubt that Saul 's Crack is not a route on which to learn the mystical art of jamming , but it is a good test of technique .
15 The shortest stories in Greyhound for Breakfast owe a lot to Kafka 's briefer parables , though they are apt to be more difficult to understand ; and there can be no doubt that Beckett 's solipsistic tramps have left an impression on the earlier writings .
16 Western diplomats have no doubt that Egypt 's 32,000-man contingent is ready to fight .
17 There is no doubt that Bohr 's influence was immense , but his contribution at this period was largely implicit rather than explicit , as far as the tale of attributed discoveries goes .
18 ‘ There is no doubt that Ramsay 's skill in navigation and cool determination contributed very materially towards the success of a most hazardous operation . ’
19 There is little doubt that Harris 's 1,000-Plan saved the Command for the planned strategic bombing of Germany that had been his Directive from the Chiefs-of-Staff Committee who set aside some 3,500 heavy aircraft for this task .
20 Because an army 's main aim may have been the devastation of land , the destruction of its produce , and the seizure of moveable property , there can be little doubt that war 's chief victims were those who , if they did not live within reasonable distance of a defended town or garrisoned castle , ran great risk to their personal safety .
21 There is no doubt that Ibanez 's current high profile is down to a marketing policy which borders on genius .
22 There can be little doubt that Canova 's art deserves the description of ‘ sensuousness ’ .
23 Although he might have decided to forget the way they had clashed at their last meeting , she had no doubt that Luke 's misgivings were still there .
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