Example sentences of "heard the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Kit Hegarty lay in her own narrow bed and heard the fog horn and the town hall clock , heard the occasional sound of a car going past .
2 We heard the distinct whispers of dawn and dusk , and the dogs barking , but no further rumour of war .
3 The next moment I heard the confident heel taps behind me .
4 He even telephoned Wexford to tell him about it , his elation subsiding somewhat when he heard the chief inspector had also found this out three hours before .
5 A few minutes later she heard the rich throb of a car engine in the drive below .
6 She heard the indrawn breath hiss sharply through his teeth , and felt the wave of emotion that washed over him .
7 I stood engrossed by this until I heard the rocking chair creak behind me , and at that I scampered up after them .
8 Then she heard the distinctive sounds of a loquacious Siamese cat , and a human voice raised in exasperation .
9 Sam , lying rigid under his own blanket , heard the bare feet on the floorboards and the creak of Todger 's bed .
10 Then they heard the front door open .
11 He heard the front door being closed and Tom returned with his brown paper bag .
12 Suddenly , she heard the front door click .
13 He heard the front door being opened even as he unfolded the cloth and began to read .
14 As she prepared the vegetables , she heard the front door open .
15 He heard the front door open and braced himself , looking at his mother for support .
16 She never heard the front door close , nor his foot fall on the stairs , nor even the bedroom door slowly opening behind her .
17 It seemed an age before she heard the front door close again , and then another age before her father finally summoned her .
18 When she heard the front door she was momentarily unable to stand , for inner turbulence .
19 She heard the front door close .
20 The women heard the front door close .
21 Charlotte heard the front door close and realized she alone was watching as the white halo of the headlamps traced his progress along the drive .
22 Charlotte waited until she heard the front door close behind him .
23 One of the stairs cracked sharply beneath her foot ; she heard the front door of one of the ground-floor flats open behind her , and as she turned the corner of the staircase she caught a glimpse of a single eye and a draggle of grey hair at the crack .
24 There was one occasion when I was sitting in the kitchen and I heard the front door close , and then footsteps in the hall .
25 Outside in the hall they heard the front door open , footsteps pattered along the polished parquet floor and a light high voice cried , ‘ Daddy ?
26 Jenny heard the front door close .
27 She listened to his footsteps going lightly down the stairs , heard the front door slamming below .
28 Louise heard the front door close and thought : Alice is home .
29 When she heard the front door shut behind him and Penman 's footsteps retreating , she rose from her chair and began to walk slowly about the room , touching the sofas and lamps and tables .
30 Ahead of her , Belinda heard the front door open , then Faye 's voice as she greeted her brother .
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