Example sentences of "easily [verb] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Codes are less formal , more easily amended and less time-consuming to operate than legal provisions .
2 Craig McLachlan could be very easily dismissed as just another soap star turned muso , but Craig was playing guitar in bands long before he became an actor .
3 The stem of this one was easily broken and often the head would fly off at the first stroke .
4 And as we " progress " towards the twenty-first century we are rapidly consuming all the stores of energy that are easily consumed and thus becoming more and more reliant on the less accessible stores of energy .
5 This is easily said and less easily done , but it is not critical to the final working .
6 Inevitably it has qualitative differences and is not easily written or smoothly integrated into the ‘ isms ’ or historical categories of the discipline .
7 As Layton describes it , school chemistry became the ‘ easily organized and easily examined exercises in qualitative analysis … [ in which ] packets of powder were sent out [ to the schools ] and packets of paper were returned when the pupils had completed the routine of taking the solution through the charts ’ ; if anyone asked ‘ why ? ’ , ‘ training of the faculties of observation and reasoning ’ would doubtless have been the reply .
8 The first was a mistake which , all politicians will tell you , is easily made and relatively simple to correct with a few carefully worded statements and some abuse of the media .
9 Growing to about 12cms , it is yet another easily accommodated and very beautiful wrasse .
10 Trouble is , it 's easily mastered and very limiting — you might throw it high or low , but never wide .
11 In many insects there are two strongly convex veins , R1 and Cu1 , which are easily noted and therefore facilitate the identification of the other veins .
12 ‘ I 'm afraid I think of TV as a bit like a McDonald 's hamburger — easily digested and soon forgotten . ’
13 After the initial location of the opponent , three levels of escalation precede an actual fight , involving easily recognised and increasingly energetic displays .
14 Flint tools are not very easily recognised and relatively few are found on the sites , perhaps the odd scraper here and there .
15 The most serious difficulty faced when trying to assess the extent of poverty in any society is to find a clear definition which is easily understood and universally accepted .
16 He sometimes borders on triteness , but more often his straightforward approach allows him to speak in an authentic language which is easily understood and brilliantly evocative .
17 The BA sets are heavy and can be easily damaged if not handled correctly .
18 Fabric : 65% polyester/35% cotton which the manufacturers say is ‘ easily laundered and quick drying . ’
19 He was among the first to exploit the fact that living nerve fibres pick up and transport protein molecules like the enzyme horseradish peroxidase , whose presence is easily demonstrated and so acts as a marker .
20 However , they provide a basis for research , because they are ‘ not directly accessible to measurement ’ but their ‘ postulated components can be easily assessed if not immediately quantified ’ .
21 If you have been unable to detect the early symptoms and the disease has progressed ( very common with ponds where fish can easily hide or where water clarity is poor ) you will have to catch all the affected fish and treat them in a salt bath .
22 Methods can easily converge and so can the problems and topics studied as well as their location .
23 Dana threatened to do just that if I did n't ‘ dance attendance ’ ; Garry is easily swayed and still half in love with Dana — I dare not risk it . ’
24 In another case Mansfield spelt out the advantages of certainty , that merchants could then depend upon rules , ‘ easily learned and easily retained ’ , rather than upon ‘ subtleties and niceties ’ or ‘ upon speculative refinements from the law of nations or the Roman jus post liminii ’ .
25 Of course , I am more easily identified and more distinctive , if not distinguished , than most authors .
26 Survival time from point of diagnosis is more easily determined but less useful .
27 Only when it is exposed to chemicals that harden the tissue and inhibit decay , a method known as fixation , is the brain easily studied and only then will it reveal the complexities of its organization .
28 On the other hand , by reducing the detail , the document may be much more easily handled but potentially important information may be lost .
29 The carronade , a short-barrelled large-calibre gun with a low muzzle velocity , easily handled and very effective at close quarters , was first developed in 1774 and by the end of the American War was mounted on several hundred British men-of-war of all sizes .
30 It is not a comprehensive encyclopaedia of surfactant properties , but is rather an easily read and well set out account of what is commercially available .
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