Example sentences of "shop [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I managed to get hold of this mag from a shop off the Piazza di Spagna in Rome . ’
2 Poetic wishes for longevity and health written in Chinese calligraphy on blood-red streamers decorated the walls of the shabby room adjoining the printing shop of the Hanoi newspaper for which he worked .
3 Members of the profession will be able to purchase copies from the Law Society 's Book Shop in the Strand .
4 In his new role he will be based at the Law Society Shop in the Strand .
5 The SIR in question is Systems Integrated Research which has recently set up shop in the UK .
6 This week , the company opened its first European office in London to serve US expatriates and UK investors with an eye on the US market — locking horns in the process with its main American rival , Fidelity Brokerage , which set up shop in the UK four years ago .
7 " I left your two at an antique shop in the King 's Road , " he said .
8 She too had been to Canonmills and Broughton school ( though she says she was " not very clever " ) and first of all went to work at a draper 's shop in the West End , a job for which she remained still nostalgic .
9 A recent study by the University of Michigan suggests that 90% of the parts in Japanese cars built in America come either direct from Japan or from Japanese manufacturers which have set up shop in the United States .
10 BORDON 'S successful new Charities Shop in the Elizabeth Dibben Centre will be launching their spring and summer collection from Monday , along with the chance to buy a special knitted Easter duckling .
11 Two weeks later , Clare bought the short lease of a small shop in the Pimlico Road , close to Mrs Gooden 's home .
12 What 's that shop in the Causeway near the sunbed erm it it 's a second hand furniture in there is n't it ?
13 Willis and Tilda usually stopped on the way at a little shop in the Vauxhall Bridge Road , which seemed glad of any kind of custom , to buy a quarter of aniseed marbles .
14 At the National Gallery 's new sumptuous shop in the Sainsbury Wing I recorded three books on Gwen John ( and none on Augustus , her brother ) , two on Artemisia Gentileschi ( one being the very scholarly and feminist monograph by Mary D Garrard , published by Princeton University Press , now in paperback ) , one book on Rosalba Carriera , and most surprisingly given the feminist industry around this artist , only one on Mary Cassatt .
15 Roy was in the butcher 's shop in the Portobello Road .
16 The £30,000 will buy electric wheelchairs and tricycles to help disabled people shop in the Grange Road area .
17 The cheese shop in the Grande Rue : do n't miss it .
18 This ingenious arrangement has two advantages : it scents the house with an acrid , invigorating smell of frying cloth recalling a tailor shop in the Bronx , and it permits me to tend two kerosene burners , a Franklin stove , and a fireplace .
19 In the first attack , he 'd just popped into a shop in the Lake District — and returned to find the panels of his £52,000 BMW 750i all kicked in .
20 For they were licked into shape in the late 1960s by two ambitious pals who ran a record shop in the Cheshire market town .
21 Starting from a job as shop assistant , gained through his new skills ; then , greatly daring , his own small shop in the Marsh Road area .
22 In 1972 he opened a shop in the Kings Road , at first selling teddy-boy schmutter , much later , in premises renamed Sex , rubber and leather bondage clothing .
23 Finally , my old friend Alistair Sampson set me up with a cheerful office over his shop in the Brompton Road , where I am gathering stock and beginning life again .
24 One shop in the Isle of Man , which never did any stocktaking , unearthed the most wonderful collection of 1920s toys .
25 Debbie Pitman , who runs the Reebajaz clothing company is moving out of her shop in the Gloucester docks because she claims that , even after 2 years , hardly anyone knows she 's there .
26 Midland Stockbrokers is to open a share shop inside the Midland Bank 's branch at Prospect Place , Darlington tomorrow .
27 One ran a shoe shop on the Shankhill Road in Belfast where he sold cut-price footwear until the local peoPle chased him .
28 The new , corner site is not far from the original shop on the Fulham Road , a catchment area which has provided a growing customer base for independent booksellers Andrew and Harriet Currie .
29 UTV 's Pamela Ballentine will compere the show which will feature clothes from Deja-Vu , the nearly-new shop on the Lisburn Road .
30 Thus the Free Presbyterians ( and other conservative Christians ) who picketed a newly opened sex shop on the Castlereagh Road in Belfast ( so successfully that it closed ) saw themselves , not as denying anyone their basic right to sin , but as preventing further incitement and encouragement to sin .
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