Example sentences of "sat [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 On the kitchen landing , the dog sat staunchly at the top of the stairs , blocking her way with its back to her , apparently sunk in thought .
2 Alice sat on at the end of the table , in the quiet kitchen .
3 The parents of the nine missing children sat together at the front .
4 The Gnomes of Gallan sat together at the far end of the table .
5 The Gnomes sat together at the end of the breakfast table and waited anxiously for the verdict .
6 Philip sat down at the table .
7 His Dad sat down at the kitchen table with the paper .
8 After walking round the dining-room with my memories I sat down at the stone table .
9 At another point , he came over and sat down at the table with them .
10 He fumbled with the microphone while the girl sat down at the rear , the bag in her lap .
11 He sat down at the kitchen table and picked up the hacksaw .
12 He sat down at the desk and dialled Stuart Baxter 's private number .
13 They sat down at the table , and took out of their pockets packets of cigarettes , lighters and calculators , placing these objects carefully in front of them as if they were necessary equipment for some game they were about to play .
14 They sat down at the table .
15 Alison came and sat down at the table with Franca .
16 The writer of the Book of Hebrews links the joy and suffering of Christ by saying : ‘ Let us fix our eyes on Jesus , the author and perfecter of our faith , who for the joy set before him endured the cross , scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ’
17 He returned to his room , sat down at the small table and wrote a letter :
18 When she sat down at the table her mother said , ‘ Well , you can help yourself , I 've got my hands full here . ’
19 I sat down at the end of one of the tables and looked around me .
20 He poured the tea into a mug , added milk and sugar , then sat down at the table and began to eat and drink .
21 When his illness was at the active stage , he was very particular about keeping his own utensils separate from everyone else 's , and would joke about it , saying as he sat down at the table , ‘ Make way for the leper . ’
22 She went and sat down at the stone table and Jack sank down opposite her .
23 He began to walk towards the Monument in the glare of the headlights , then he sat down at the stone table and beckoned .
24 Mitch sat down at the small round table in the corner .
25 Nancy , noticing how scared he was , sat down at the side of the trench and took the cigarette out of her mouth .
26 When he had finished his chores he sat down at the table and copied out ‘ I am William Beech ’ over and over again until Tom , after much effort , finally persuaded him to go for a run and exercise Sammy .
27 After he had fed him he wiped his boots dry with an old rag , put the kettle on and sat down at the table with pencil and paper .
28 He sat down at the old table by the window and put a new sheet of paper into the typewriter .
29 But he said nothing , just sat down at the table , a pale-faced , freckled child , his school tie knotted to one side , and catching part of his collar .
30 She slammed the boot down , with a cry of ‘ God Almighty ! ’ and ran indoors , where she sat down at the kitchen table and beat her fists against the wood , with anger , with frustration , with a sudden , desperate concern for Nick .
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