Example sentences of "tried [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Recently , an expert panel of the august National Academy of Sciences ( NAS ) tried to weave some consistency into cancer risk assessment .
2 He tried to spot any spy-flies lurking in this foyer , little spies which so recently had been his own to command , till they were stolen .
3 Usually she tried to evade such duties , by hanging around in the bathroom or in her bedroom ; she loathed the tedious , repetitive business of the house .
4 I tried using some spray furniture polish , rubbed well in , on the areas that were jamming .
5 In 1972 , the government tried to promote new mining ventures with the Mineral Exploration and investment Grants Act .
6 LEBANESE President Rene Muawad , killed in a car bomb assassination on Wednesday , was a conciliator who tried to restore Lebanese peace and unity after 14 years of civil war .
7 For the next eighteen years people like Hendrik Lorentz and George Fitzgerald tried to accommodate this observation within accepted ideas of space and time .
8 When they did run into each other on the borders of their territories , they usually tried to kill each other .
9 In one case , in which three different cuckoos parasitised the nest of a great reed warbler , one chick was thrown out soon after hatching : the other two then tried to eject each other for four days .
10 He believed that the PASOK movement could make a real contribution to European as well as Greek politics , but after serving as education minister in Papandreou 's second administration ( when he tried to reintroduce classical Greek into the school curriculum ) , he left to found his own ill-starred party , the Greek Radical Movement .
11 President Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera , whose National Party ( PN or Blancos ) had failed to secure a majority in the November 1989 congressional elections [ see pp. 37039 ; 37146 ] , tried to compel congressional delegates to decide for or against a bill to privatize all or part of the state-owned telephone company ( Antel ) , the state airline ( Pluna ) , and the national ports administration ( ANP ) .
12 The morning after the general 's briefing , Iraq brought its latent air capability out of hiding , and tried to hit allied warships in the Gulf .
13 Apparently he tried typing old tips from pre-Corky days , but they did n't work properly .
14 I tried to implement this philosophy , as I suspected Chelsea was no different from the East End .
15 ‘ He poured it through and tried to light several matches before one took hold and was tossed through the gap , ’ said Mr Joyce .
16 The point was to create first-time theatre-goers , so we tried to target poorer areas on the whole . ’
17 ‘ At the World Cup final in Gothenburg , for example , I tried to treat each day as a normal day , doing my best in the individual classes and not worrying about the final result .
18 As scientist he adopted a certain method of explaining things ; as philosopher he tried to go one step further , he tried to justify his scientific methodology with arguments intended to prove that the things he did not need in his explanations — objective colours , sounds , and so on — did not exist .
19 She immediately set to and tried to establish some order .
20 In addition , reformers tried to obtain antislavery pledges from parliamentary candidates or MPs and at critical moments called national conferences to shadow parliamentary deliberations .
21 The Government initiated proceedings against Mr Marsh in September last year , but after a lengthy delay while he unsuccessfully tried to obtain legal aid , the case was dropped because it was judged to be ‘ no longer in the public interest ’ .
22 Coleman tried to obtain veterinary representation on the examining committee , but all efforts failed until after his death .
23 ‘ Of course , as men always will , I tried to extract some hope from her .
24 Germany , Belgium and the Netherlands were outvoted by their EC partners when they tried to increase Latin America 's share of the Community banana market .
25 She could not tell the human who she was , but she remembered the feeling of affinity ; she tried to indicate that affinity , a finger pointed to holly and to human flesh , but the blank look remained in that fur-wrapped , pale-faced Tallis .
26 So that 's why they tried to fade plain bread out the market altogether .
27 In front of the television cameras which were transmitting the game live , the two hookers , Bègles ' Moscato and Mallaret of Montferrand , tried to strangle each other .
28 Again , the Conservative government tried to encourage such activity by enabling them to make one-off tax deductible donations of up to 3 per cent of annual dividends .
29 The new Civil Code tried to adjust this anomaly by laying down that the right of ownership should lapse at the same time that the right of revendication lapses .
30 So on Friday he tried to pull same stunt again so I says oh no you 're not , I says we 're not playing at that , I says chuff that for a lark , I says what do you think you 're playing at ?
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