Example sentences of "maybe [pron] 's [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well of course there 's a great tradition of Scots leaving Scotland and and maybe there 's nothing wrong with that , I mean , there 's there 's no shame in leaving is there ?
2 Maybe there 's nothing at all .
3 Maybe there 's something more aesthetically pleasing about it , I do n't know …
4 Hello , I thought , maybe there 's something in this for you after all .
5 Maybe there 's something to hunt ? ’ said Angalo hopefully .
6 ‘ Well , maybe there 's something at the back of a cupboard somewhere , ’ he said .
7 Maybe there 's something wrong with me .
8 Maybe there 's something of the reptile in her , he thought .
9 Maybe there 's something in this religion after all , ’ said Jessica .
10 So whenever you see people who 're not quite like you and maybe there 's something about their workstyle that you do n't like think about it this way .
11 Maybe there 's something in that
12 And that is that in the projections of housing requirements for the City of York , not Greater York but the City of York , the County Council have a figure of four thousand four hundred households extra , but propose a provision of only three thousand three hundred dwellings extra , that 's purely within York , and the question really therefore for the County Council is I had thought that their dwelling requirements , that their , sorry their their policy H One figure for York was what they thought the requirements were , but maybe it 's what they think the limited capacity is , and they are foreseeing an overspill of thousand odd from the city of York into Greater York .
13 Maybe it 's him . ’
14 Maybe it 's their past rights over
15 Maybe it 's me who 's who 's .
16 Maybe it 's me . ’
17 Maybe it 's something new — something to do with the soil . ’
18 maybe , maybe it 's something that which may emerge as well with you
19 Erm , you know , maybe it 's something we can do in just a one off during the winter
20 Now did they give you that and it 's something you do n't need or do you think maybe it 's something you do need ?
21 So you 've go got a situation where if somebody wants to change something they 're actually , you know maybe it 's something you do in a job or something like this , and somebody says we , we really ought to change this .
22 Well that 's something we would obviously have to sort of , I mean maybe it 's something where you know I mean with the
23 And I think it would actually need , if it 's going to be taken on board , somebody appointed to look at this , or it be put in somebody 's job brief and I would have thought ideally that it would be placed with the community worker , and I do n't know quite how we 're placed for community workers in East Oxford , but maybe it 's something we could put to that department .
24 This was certainly the case with Mrs S. , the mother of one of my teenage informants , born in rural Jamaica about 1930 , who moved to London about 1960 : I 've never work — I 've never really work when I was back in de West Indies my husband work , I worked when I came over here and I [ took a long time ] to get a job — because I could remember work at de Post Office and I when I pronounce my words you know too [ soft ] dey say dey do n't hunderstand — according to dem dey do n't hunderstand me , my haccent maybe it 's my haccent or what dey don " understan " it or ting an " I feel like I 'm speakin " the same English like over here .
25 Maybe it 's my prince at last ! ’
26 er , maybe it 's my turn
27 Well , maybe it 's us guitarists !
28 And maybe it 's your imagination , but there also seems to be a hint of laughter on the wind …
29 Maybe it 's you who 's not up to it ?
30 Maybe it 's you who should be on the French Riviera . ’
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