Example sentences of "thought to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In both cases , the breccias are thought to be exclusively developed in the Z1 Carbonate , although it is possible that the upper part of the reservoir in Auk may represent a collapsed portion of the Z2 Carbonate .
2 Fear is the commonest change in mood associated with complex partial seizures and is thought to be exclusively related to the right temporal lobe .
3 The incinerator is not thought to be exclusively responsible for the high local levels of dioxin .
4 Ethnic-minority children who are thought by their teachers to be having difficulties at school are being assessed with tests which are thought to be fundamentally flawed .
5 The decision , taken in advance of the fourth party congress scheduled for the first half of 1991 , was thought to be primarily a cost-cutting exercise in response to the deepening economic crisis , as the country 's preferential trading terms with the Soviet Union and other COMECON countries were about to expire ; commentators also viewed the changes as concentrating power within the party in fewer hands .
6 Over 17 hands high , he had a girth which measured seventy-nine inches ( Secretariat 's girth was thought to be remarkably large at seventy-six inches ) and housed a heart which after his death tipped the scales at fourteen and a half pounds : the average for a Thoroughbred is around ten pounds .
7 Palatine consider themselves to be good employers , though their attitudes and practices might be thought to be slightly old-fashioned and paternalistic in that there is no measure of staff performance or formal mechanisms or procedures for staff management .
8 The intelligence , by which alone such subjects were supposed to be understood , was thought to be wholly distinct from other , lower , faculties .
9 Almost 40 per cent of such problems were attributed in whole or part to the pupils ' characteristics whilst in about 65 per cent of cases the home was thought to be wholly or partly to blame .
10 Such questions have become much harder to answer as a consequence of the Government 's astonishing success in closing the north-south divide , which was thought to be wholly irremediable when they came to office .
11 In the nineteenth century , the effects of economic development , colonialism and capitalism were widely thought to be wholly favourable to women .
12 The earth is now thought to be over 5,000 million years old , and the oldest fossils are over 3,000 million years old .
13 The half-life of nicotine and carboxyhaemoglobin is thought to be approximately two hours .
14 The Duke of York is thought to be away on naval duties and the Duchess of York , believed not to have been invited , was in Birkenhead touring flats for young people with learning difficulties .
15 The changes are very slow ; the period is thought to be rather over 1000 days , but is probably not constant .
16 Erwin Guzmán Gutiérrez , one of the country 's leading drug traffickers thought to be closely linked with the Colombian Calí cartel , surrendered on July 11 after having been given a guarantee of " juridical security " .
17 Because the cats wandered about , often at night , they were thought to be either the supernatural servants of the witches , or else the witches themselves , transformed into cat-shape to aid their nocturnal travels when seeking revenge .
18 It occurs naturally in Palestine , but the hyssop of the Bible is thought to be either marjoram or the caper plant ( Capparis spinosa ) .
19 The overwhelming majority of world favourites are large or very large in size , and most are thought to be either highly or relatively intelligent .
20 It was also a triumph over the devil , who was thought to be particularly active at death-beds , either gloating over the sinner who was about to fall into his clutches , or trying at the last moment to snatch a soul in the throes of fear or doubt .
21 On the basis of data such as the following , younger mothers are thought to be particularly at risk .
22 In any case , the exact value of the time period — that is , the time during which the hose operates — is not thought to be particularly critical .
23 Again it may not be thought to be particularly helpful that God in God 's undifferentiated nature ( or indeed the Spirit in its rather vague nature ) are to be understood as ‘ female ’ , while ‘ divine energies ’ ( sic ) , that which is clearly differentiated and self-determining , is to be seen as ‘ male ’ .
24 It also helped in identifying important variables which had not previously been thought to be particularly interesting .
25 Married women were thought to be particularly likely to abuse the system because of the temptation to stay at home to catch up with housework .
26 Iran and pro-Iranian forces in Lebanon were thought to be particularly angered at the lack of pressure by the USA on Israel to obtain the release of more than 300 Lebanese Moslem hostages in south Lebanon .
27 If human error is thought to be particularly important then expert advice should be sought .
28 President , the under twenty fives are thought to be particularly at risk .
29 Quaternary variation in carbonate and silica abundance in deep sea sediments is thought to be largely determined by the balance between the surface production of calcium carbonate and its dissolution in the undersaturated deep waters .
30 Although creeks are thought to be largely areas of non-deposition rather than areas of erosion , the scour of the tide along them may cause some lateral erosion and water draining at times of very high tides from areas behind the zone of creeks may plunge into the heads of the creeks and so cause a certain amount of headward erosion .
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