Example sentences of "to put [pron] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you wish to put me to the test ? ’
2 Parapsychologists have always complained that they did n't get enough funding , Randi says , so this was an ideal opportunity to put them to the test .
3 But if you 'd like to put them to the test , we 've put together a list as a brief explanation os some skin care jargon and products that incorporate the latest technology .
4 A worthwhile longer-term project , which gets closer to the heart of the matter , is therefore to begin to unearth these injunctions , to bring them to light , and to put them to the test of rational and empirical scrutiny .
5 He came into the room with a broad grin on his face and could hardly wait to tell me that not only had he managed to approach several people at work and ask them questions , but that he had decided to put himself to the test over the last few days and had , in fact , gone up to complete strangers in the street to ask them the time .
6 It seemed like an excellent opportunity to put himself to the test , see if his reflexes were as finely honed as they had been in the old days .
7 He found it worth while to put himself to the trouble of finishing touches .
8 Jealous voices reminded the Count of this again and again ; eventually he decided to put her to the test .
9 With the watery light in imminent danger of failing , we wedged our empty mugs in the sink , dropped the dock lines and took Islander out into Southampton Water to put her to the test .
10 It measured up to precisely what he felt himself and he decided to put it to a higher power .
11 All , from Davout down to the humblest ranker , were eager to put it to the test .
12 I really think , although I would not be prepared to put it to the test , that you could go out in the streets of London in your nightdress and nobody would notice .
13 It might be prudent to put it to the test .
14 More shaming had been his reluctance to put it to the test .
15 Against the urgent advice of Keith , Fraser and other veterans , they decided that the English were afraid to put it to the test ; but they were not .
16 Naturally the two officers protest that their girls are different , but Alfonso persuades them to put it to the test .
17 So too with exhibiting : somewhere a reader may be able to grow significantly better roses than his or her neighbours , and he or she would like to put it to the test of the show-bench .
18 The beauty of this method is that it is not only fascinating but incredibly cheap and will not need large capital expenditure to put it to the test .
19 ‘ I doubt if His Grace would ever stand up in a court-room to give evidence on my behalf , but I counted on Magistrate Peck being afraid to put it to the test . ’
20 Technical considerations are being completed , and I hope that we shall be able to put it to the House before long .
21 Sorry I was going to go down to get an authorization from Age Concern , I missed the first bit , but erm if resources are allowed for this work , would it not be better to aim them at priority areas , and not wards , I mean , in other words , to put it to the areas that needed most .
22 Yeah , yeah I hate people who park on the ramp and causes to put yourself to a hill start , they are a
23 Oh well it 's always protection of the family and yet they 're not prepared to put anything to the family .
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