Example sentences of "aware [that] [pron] would " in BNC.

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1 Being a property tax — there is not now any contention between the two main parties about that — we can either tax the kind of house and say , for example , that all three-bedroom properties shall be taxed the same , in which case my hon. Friends should be aware that we would soon have tremendous anomalies as the same tax is placed on a Mayfair flat as is put on a flat in a mining village , or we can have regional banding , and then there must be boundaries between regions .
2 He had been well aware that she would dearly love to have been one of his girlfriends , more than willing to go to bed with him had he given her any encouragement , and was resentful of his relationship with Liza .
3 This was best fulfilled by a voluntary association independent of all authority so free to criticise it , and prepared to conduct a mission against apathy and escapism aware that there would be small returns for great effort .
4 Is the Minister aware that there would be widespread opposition , particularly in Scotland , to any Government imposing legislation that led to the disappearance of the traditional head on a pint of beer or to increased costs being passed on to the consumer in price increases ?
5 If Scotland were to have a Parliament with tax-raising powers , it could of course raise taxes that it wanted to raise , but the people of Scotland should be aware that there would then be no capping and no one to protect them from excessive expenditure decided by Strathclyde or Lothian .
6 Since there was no picture with June 's letter I was not aware that I would end up with the cable I was looking for .
7 As a headteacher of a state primary school I was immediately aware that I would be asking the staff who worked with me to take on new responsibilities .
8 I 've certainly become aware that I would n't like to cross him , particularly on a matter of principle . ’
9 They 're aware that you would n't want a bunch of dickheads like them moving in next door , as ‘ Neighbor ’ makes clear .
10 Aware that it would be difficult and dangerous for the Hurricanes to attempt to land back aboard , Sabey set off towards Malta , hoping to meet one of the aircraft despatched from the island to lead in any lost aircraft , before their fuel ran out .
11 ‘ Creeping up to 40 was n't the main reason I wanted a third child , ’ says Saskia , ‘ but I was certainly aware that it would keep me back in the young-mum sphere along with the 25-year-olds . ’
12 She would , I knew , have liked to categorise the shortcomings of her supplanter 's domestic arrangements but was aware that it would seem too much like jealous triumph .
13 She stopped , aware that it would n't be advisable for Richard to know about Harry 's visits .
14 She was well aware that it would seem thoroughly feeble — if not downright pathetic — to refuse to accompany him to New York simply because they had been separated for almost five years .
15 She had remained quiet in his grasp , offering no active resistance , aware that it would be useless .
16 He was still holding her arm , and she was very aware that it would be the easiest thing in the world to embrace him again , while he was still looking so handsome .
17 For years , he had pitted himself against it , aware that it would mean the time for worrying about the future was over and the time for action had arrived .
18 Jotan 's sister was eighteen , and Burun was constantly aware that he would have to find her a husband before the year was out , otherwise she would be entitled to go with any man she chose .
19 A defence is available only where the defendant was in his own or another 's house , and he failed to realise and had no reason to be aware that he would be overheard .
20 Nevertheless , now that he had come to live in this new house he was aware that he would probably be an object of interest to his neighbours .
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