Example sentences of "showed that it be " in BNC.

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1 At its conference in Brighton , the Labour Party showed that it is on the way to becoming an electable party .
2 Miguel de Unamuno , the Spanish philosopher , made a point of this when he showed that it is impossible to separate belief from emotion :
3 The Medical Research Council 's Common Cold Research Unit showed that it is not the person who gets caught in the rain or sits in a draught who is likely to develop a cold but the one who has to work in the air-conditioned , centrally-heated , artificially-lit atmosphere found in many modern office blocks .
4 In Section 6.3 , we showed that it is possible to pivot from any BFS to any other BFS through a sequence of BFSs .
5 In 1983 , observations from the IRAS infra-red satellite showed that it is associated with cool material which might be interpreted as a planetary system , though it would be most unwise to jump to any conclusions .
6 He also states that his analysis showed that it is not easy to increase market share through time .
7 The titration studies , with a pH change of 4 to 10 units , however , showed that it is essential to measure the activity of Ca 2 + and pH simultaneously because of the strong relationship between the Ca 2 + activity and the pH of gall bladder bile .
8 From the moment the 1957 White Paper was published , the Army Council maintained discreet but relentless pressure on the Government to increase the ceiling as commitments grew , just as the General Staff had predicted they would do , and as recruiting figures showed that it was practicable to find enough men to take ‘ the Queen 's Shilling ’ .
9 Mr Coase asked if this analysis was good economics , and showed that it was not .
10 My time at the DHSS showed that it was impossible to make any significant change without a fierce public and professional battle — even when improvement meant more resources for health care or put right long-standing problems .
11 The book 's success , like that later of Moody and Sankey , showed that it was Nonconformity , not the Church of England , which had conquered one of the most important mountain peaks of public morality and sentiment produced in the Victorian era .
12 A previous study involving ferry passengers showed that it was the up and down movement of the ferry , not the side to side motion , that caused motion sickness .
13 This was important , because it showed that it was not a protein , and so clearly differed from lysozyme .
14 He showed that it was harmless to white blood cells , which are a principal defence against invading microbes , and he and Craddock administered enough to animals to discover that it was remarkably innocuous .
15 The press published premature and optimistic reports , while trials of the vaccine showed that it was ineffective .
16 Fleming succeeded in isolating a streptococcus from the cerebrospinal fluid of the patient , showed that it was sensitive to penicillin , and obtained a supply from Florey , because he himself had none of adequate potency .
17 He showed that it was possible , starting with a uniform concentration of chemicals which interacted with each other , for the system to develop differences in the concentration of the chemicals , which he called morphogens , such that there would be chemical waves with peaks and troughs of concentration of the morphogens .
18 The torch showed that it was some twenty feet to the bottom .
19 For all his enjoyment of the work and the companionship of his team the lad was not sorry when the ground covered , about half an acre , showed that it was time for his midday snack .
20 its barrister showed that it was not liable .
21 His calculations , based on the paper 's numerical sequence , showed that it was first printed in February 1695 , by William Thompson and Francis Bailey .
22 By the end of 1982 , Crocker 's quarterly figures showed that it was in trouble .
23 It showed that it was not going to be a profitable venture over time .
24 But the survey showed that it was difficult to judge whether standards of spelling were going up or down .
25 A glance at my watch showed that it was still only ten past five .
26 For example , it showed that it was not injecting illegal drugs that caused HIV infection but using shared and dirty needles ( Aggleton 1990 ) .
27 Its profitable career showed that it was doing better than the trading companies launched in Charles 's reign .
28 A clear result showed that it was the Phoenician readers who were most vulnerable to the presence of irregular words .
29 In the early months of 1914 the Unionist leaders prepared for this desperate throw , and the plan was only abandoned when the " mutiny " at the Curragh showed that it was unnecessary , for the officers would not in any case agree to coerce Ulster .
30 Coyle showed that it was possible to improve the speed of an ISAM file by more than four times by using the optimization options available in IBM 's software .
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