Example sentences of "yourself [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The top must measure about six feet by four feet … you can please yourself where you put the steps .
2 Relieve yourself where you sit , if you must .
3 The only way you can help is by getting yourself where you belong , in the big house . ’
4 'Cause when you hurt yourself or I touch you you go crying to mummy saying that daddy 's hurt you do n't you ?
5 Now I okay right I do n't want you to underline them now I 'd like you to wait until later and then try and work em out again yourself so you get practice
6 ‘ Which you confidently expect to prove for yourself once you slip between her sheets .
7 You should be able to forgive yourself once you realise that you are not expected to be perfect ; indeed , if you were , you would not need to be here at all — your spirit would be continuing its learning process somewhere else .
8 In the other fields I 've discussed earlier — public speaking appearing on television , staging a special event , holding a conference , you can ( but you should n't ) kid yourself that they went better than they really did .
9 But I think there 's a very strong argument Chinese revolution And , to a certain extent you can understand that people have to identify with something and the easiest thing to identify with is a king and a queen erm Chinese communist leaders of various sorts , Stalin even Karl Marx , you know , you can convince yourself that he had all the answers when of course , really , you must see these things as developing .
10 You said yourself that you regretted it ! ’
11 On one side list all the things about yourself that you like ; on the other put all the things you do not like .
12 You can then realistically reassure yourself that you have nothing to worry about .
13 And remind yourself that you have worked very hard indeed to achieve the success you are now enjoying and you jolly well deserve it .
14 You can then congratulate yourself for going over your time , or at least by persevering satisfy yourself that you have made a little headway .
15 It is a tribute I suppose to the English language that there are so many forms of circumlocution that it is remarkably easy to persuade yourself that you have made a bold statement , or conveyed the bad news , whilst in reality there is no conceivable possibility that the recipient has actually understood what you are talking about .
16 Did n't you say yourself that you intended finding a way to put an end to our arrangement ?
17 It is clearly easier to spot other people making mistakes than either to catch yourself or to admit to yourself that you did so .
18 It 's almost as if you have to convince yourself that you did n't do it . ’
19 A male teacher can antagonize you , attract you , provoke you into working harder , and make you aware of aspects of yourself that you did not know existed ; if these have potential , a man can apply a useful sort of pressure to make you develop them .
20 If you 've ever tried to explain something to somebody , that 's a very reliable way of revealing to yourself that you did n't understanding something that you thought you did understand .
21 John Tate , managing director of consultancy Tate Bramald Ltd says : ‘ It is safest to assume the worst of a package until you have confirmed for yourself that it does what it claims to . ’
22 You can convince yourself that it satisfies the conditions 1 … 4 .
23 It 's no good congratulating yourself until you 've actually achieved something primarily , you are address
24 But he 's always been like that with them kids you know yourself if they do anything it 's got ta be done
25 ‘ I heard — and you know you 'd go yourself if someone needed you . ’
26 Take a look at yourself in a mirror and judge for yourself if you measure up .
27 Ask yourself if you remember feeling angry yourself , before the other person showed anger .
28 You can hear it for yourself if you doubt what I 've written , ’ Doreen said , smiling broadly .
29 ‘ Empty it yourself if you 've got the gall ! ’ said Davey in astonishment .
30 You can set yourself a maximum bid , having viewed the fish beforehand , and can congratulate yourself if you get it for less .
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