Example sentences of "to look like [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It has long been held to look like a cello , but the elliptical window above the door looks like a beak to me , so that with the round windows above the upper façade looks nothing so much as a chick wearing a Napoleonic hat .
2 He did n't want to answer Michael , but at the same time did n't want to look like a coward .
3 Then again , it is always possible they tokenised the ban a ) because they felt they could get away with it ; b ) because the stars involved are too big to lose ( especially the photogenic Krabbe ) from the firmament of German sport ; c ) because if it could all be made to look like a mistake , world athletics might look that much cleaner ; d ) because they feared a backlash from the disenfranchised trio , in the form of wholesale revelations about the extent of drug use in athletics , both in Germany and all over the world ; and e ) arising perhaps out of D , they do n't feel like visiting a heavy punishment on their own girls , when there are many others the world over who are equally deserving of banishment .
4 After entering I found it came from a little sister of those drowned Children , that was singing to a bundle of clouts , rudely put together to look like a Doll , which she held in her arms .
5 At Moscow University , where the political economist I. V. Vernadskii found ways of advocating the emancipation of the serfs even before discussion of the subject was officially permitted , the staff changed so much that the liberally inclined Sergei Solov'ev began to look like a conservative .
6 ‘ I 'm going to look like a snowman when I get in . ’
7 An unborn child starts off as a tiny sphere , soon begins to look like a minute hamburger ( complete with bun ) , and finally adopts the form of a large-headed , small-limbed human being .
8 ‘ Let me warn you , my boy — it 's one thing to look like a donkey , but much easier to act like one . ’
9 Benchmarking is beginning to look like a fad .
10 This starts to look like a way of thinking which would make the task of school management part of the work of all teachers .
11 Sir Oliver is sorry to hear that ; but would he not be too smartly dressed to look like a money-lender ?
12 I want to look like a racehorse and have long hair and Jim , that 's what I want .
13 Axil will also configure the machine to look like a Sun LX , the Classic 's $8,000 big brother and price it around $7,000 .
14 And so , you ca n't really get under the canape put up your shower , this is what I wanted , I wanted it to look like a cubicle
15 The new factory was built on the far side of the property , leaving Barlaston surveying a fine sweep of parkland down to a river widened to look like a lake .
16 I should have left you to look like a wally .
17 If the theory becomes elaborate enough , it begins to look like a law , and predictions about future events may be made ( 11 ) .
18 Stockings were rationed , of course , so in warm weather , girls painted a thin line up the back of the legs to look like a stocking seam , and went without .
19 The cake is decorated to look like a parcel , even down to the gift tag which is edible .
20 The argument from error has here a plausible consistency , while the point which Nozick takes to be his strength begins to look like a weakness .
21 He marched back in with his shoes duly laced up , before telling the court : ‘ I have been made to look like a child in a legal institution and take it very badly . ’
22 Difficult , at this distance , to shut out of mind photographs of Waugh in his later years in his modest country house , forever trying to look like a country gentleman and forever ( as a friend once remarked ) looking like a bookie .
23 It dates from 1861 and was built to look like a church as , by that time , Portuguese law permitted Protestant churches to look like places of worship .
24 With a glimmer of self-preservation I began to reason that to be a martyr to an unwanted marriage was one thing , whereas to look like a fool in the eyes of all the world was another .
25 ON THE sleeve of Suede 's debut single , ‘ The Drowners ’ , there is a picture of a female model made up to look like a man , with her naked body hidden beneath a painted-on outfit .
26 He spotted at once the no-nonsense tones of the Koran , and , as always when The Book was being quoted , kept his eyes on his chest and tried to look like a man willing to leap off his chair on to all fours , ready for total prostration at any moment .
27 He tried , without much success , to look like a man who had a soul into which you could look .
28 This seemed to me to be a pretty fair definition of hell , but I tried to look like a man who enjoyed such occasions .
29 He was beginning to look like a man who wished he smoked .
30 Antony Royd was going to look like a beer advert in another year or two , coming into the bar from the polo-field or getting out of his powerboat after a race .
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