Example sentences of "believe they [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Detectives believe they may hold a vital clue to the killer .
2 An appeals procedure to local committees provides for those who believe they may have been unfairly excluded .
3 They can just be people who believe they ought to reshape society from top to bottom .
4 We now know that opinion polls are almost meaningless except as a rough guide to the sort of views that people believe they ought to express in public .
5 And people believe they would believe this country , although I 'm very grateful to be here .
6 And I believed they were capable of murdering my mother , I honestly believe they would have murdered my mother — that 's why I signed the statement . ’
7 And , Rare parrots stolen … police believe they 'll end up as Christmas presents .
8 The proposed ban was eventually carried by 7 votes to 5 , but hunt supporters believe they 'll win the full vote next month .
9 The er work which has preceded at er British Aerospace in the the cockpit , to bring together all the information , displays and controls erm has been tested on er a team of eighteen pilots from , drawn from the four nations , to see whether they believe they can cope with that sort of pilot work load in in simulated operations and they 're content that this kind of cockpit is ideally suited for the task and they can cope .
10 Regrettably , too many inadequately trained , ignorant and uncaring managers in too many workplaces believe they can beat the cost of unsafe practices and systems and take a chance on the consequences .
11 At low doses of omeprazole doctors believe they can avoid any danger of cancer .
12 Queensland aborigines believe they can sing a man to death , and indeed recently managed to sing the state 's premier — a white man , a New Zealand migrant who cared little for ‘ black fellows ’ — out of office .
13 After lengthy consideration Philip and Lesley Casson now believe they can achieve the sales and labour cost targets contained in Tricon 's projections , outlined last week .
14 The insistence by scientists that the World is merely a series of chance collisions of indifferent forces of nature is to him a dangerous road , since they believe they can discover and harness those indifferent forces through determining Nature 's ‘ laws ’ .
15 Cambridge , who have won only one Boat Race in 16 years , believe they can end Oxford 's run today .
16 PRC officials believe they can move at least half of the potential totals .
17 But Bouge De La believe they can make a living from it .
18 They can do what they believe they can do but they sure as hell can not do what their manager believes they can not do .
19 ‘ When you have what is effectively a one party Government for 13 years working hand in hand with the developers they believe they can do whatever they like .
20 They do this when they believe they can operate more profitably and with greater stability than could be achieved by reliance on the workings of imperfect international markets ( Buckley and Casson , 1985 ) .
21 The model behaves so much like the real thing that the Berkeley scientists believe they can predict what would happen to the building during an earthquake .
22 Some workers believe they can see through the ‘ emperor 's clothes ’ , arguing that if a fear of strangers is not actually an illusion , it is irredeemably elusive .
23 But the makers of the Jolly Roger ales believe they can find customers for the 100 barrels a week they soon hope to produce .
24 By altering the brain 's ability to absorb these chemicals , researchers believe they can reduce cravings and binges in women who have intense food desires .
25 MAGISTRATES are to be given wide powers to fine criminals according to what they believe they can afford .
26 Then challenge from the North , why tough talking Yorkshire lawyers believe they can take the city 's cosy legal world by storm .
27 Surgeons believe they can save the sight of a seven-year-old girl who was injured , with the dead girl and her sister .
28 The Woolwich and Cheltenham & Gloucester societies believe they can live with a 1-point rise or less .
29 ‘ I believe they will make moves to close the school within months , using the argument that it is in chaos . ’
30 That 's really what both parties believe they will get out of this contract .
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