Example sentences of "believe that [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some people believe that hearing the results of opinion polls before an election sways individuals towards the winning candidate .
2 Many disabled people believe that encouraging a disability culture can only reinforce negative images of ‘ disability ’ — that is , they have not questioned the tragedy view of disability and when they think of a disability culture they assume that this must mean art forms which only present the negative side of disabled living .
3 Many people mistakenly believe that using a sunscreen factor 6 or above will prevent tanning altogether .
4 We believe that using the prescribing unit to adjust practice data for factors outside the practice 's control and subsequent comparisons with family health services authority or national averages is unhelpful .
5 But many Tory MPs are — and they believe that taking the holiday cast huge doubts over Mr Mellor 's judgment .
6 Possession of an atomic bomb would be enough to bring the enemy to heel , it was argued ; some still believe that dropping the bomb on two Japanese cities did bring the enemy to heel .
7 Some tribes in Polynesia believe that soaking the penis in pepper and vinegar keeps it strong and alert .
8 I believe that joining a European monetary union with a single European currency would be a good way to achieve that .
9 The believe that reopening a 150-place sixth form would increase parental choice and win back pupils from independent schools .
10 There are those who believe that hitting a real " rock bottom " , losing absolutely everything and then struggling back solely with the aid of the Anonymous Fellowships , is the only true recovery .
11 This is not acceptable and we believe that increasing the charge to non-Barclays customers will discourage them from using Barclays branches and leave our counters available from our own customers . ’
12 … many professional librarians believe that running a College Library is no different from administering a public library and therefore the former can be staffed by public library assistants .
13 We believe that harnessing the technology base to the goals of wealth creation within a strategic framework overseen by the Office of Science and Technology is an important principle .
14 Labour and the Liberal Democrats believe that spending a lot more of taxpayers ' money on education ( Labour £600 million , the Liberal Democrats £4.6 billion ) and denying parents a say over their children 's education , will somehow improve things .
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