Example sentences of "believe [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Finding what we believe to be normal colon motility in children without constipation and abnormal upper gastrointestinal motility suggests that in some children CIP does not involve the colon .
2 ( 3 ) Pick a brief passage from a poem you believe to be famous .
3 At work you are told to do tasks that are not part of your job , including operating machinery which you believe to be dangerous .
4 Until then I had always held the view that police officers do not fabricate evidence against men they know to be innocent , but rather against those whom they genuinely , if mistakenly , believe to be guilty .
5 This portion of the ocean 's surface was also inhabited by storm petrels , but of a distinct species from any I had hitherto observed , and which I believe to be new to science .
6 Beatitude is , in my opinion , a possession of all things we believe to be good , from which nothing is absent that a good desire may want .
7 But , whatever you do , you must never forget that there are a lot of very important things which are said to come from ‘ god ’ , and which nevertheless , we all believe to be good .
8 I said at the time what I thought was right , and I stick all through to what I believe to be right .
9 We , the Opposition , do not have only those who are in public service to support what we believe to be right .
10 To be the Devil 's Advocate , to enable/provoke the class into clarifying their feelings and articulating what they believe to be right : " I do n't see why we should share the proceeds . "
11 Are you behaving like that to make people laugh or because it is what you honestly believe to be right . "
12 And we must certainly say that he never saw the issues of language and imagery which feminists today believe to be crucial : he evidently refers without second thought to God as ‘ Father ’ .
13 We therefore feel that a Pensions Act is now necessary in order to consolidate existing legislation , clarify the major areas of uncertainty which currently exist in trust law , and to introduce new safeguards which we believe to be necessary . ’
14 Although the SSL continues to receive legal deposit material and some foreign periodicals on exchange via the Royal Society of Edinburgh , funding for purchases is still not at the level which the Trustees believe to be necessary for a major national scientific and business information resource .
15 Work would already have started on improving what we already believe to be one of the country 's most modern and safe grounds .
16 ARCHAEOLOGISTS working at Norwich Castle have discovered what they believe to be one of the most substantial surviving Norman bridges in the country .
17 ‘ Hmm , ’ he murmured , but she was glad to see he had lost none of his pleasantness of expression when , considering her request for a few seconds , he divulged , ‘ After almost two years without a holiday or much free time , I last week completed what I believe to be one of my best achievements . ’
18 Speculators are positively magnetised to situations which they believe to be contrary to the product of natural forces and as a result will not last .
19 I hope you will agree that in these two instances I have cited from his career — both of which I have had corroborated and believe to be accurate — my father not only manifests , but comes close to being the personification itself , of what the Hayes Society terms ‘ dignity in keeping with his position ’ .
20 IGNORED our plea for him to address the ‘ Southgate Semiotics Society ’ — a body ‘ concerned with discussing the most poignant examples of what we believe to be ironic , individualist/regionalist and deconstructionist English . ’
21 An inappropriate model of visual perception will lead us to ask the wrong questions about the parts of the brain we believe to be involved in it .
22 Now , as I said , my own investigation of DNA strands revealed what I believe to be specific intelligence and personality factors in Briant Bodies Gamma and Delta .
23 Researchers enquire selectively into what they believe to be essential according to their conceptual bent , leaving the rest aside as incidental .
24 Prisons , particularly long-term high-security prisons , are not made easier to manage if they contain prisoners passionately proclaiming their innocence and who fellow prisoners and staff believe to be innocent .
25 Humans are also prone to excuse their habits by hi jacking what they believe to be scientific objectivity and fact , or retrospectively to justify their ambitions by some gobbledygook about making a contribution to nature .
26 Obviously your personal situation will affect the choices you make but a sound principle to follow was laid down by William Morris who wrote ‘ have nothing in your home which you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful ’ .
27 ‘ In fact , ’ fluttered Miss Harker , ‘ considering everything you have told me … which I am quite sure you believe to be true even though I am sorry to tell you it can not be …
28 At the same time , using Todorov 's distinction , it does seem possible in relation to television narrative genres or subgenres to identify classical tendencies which depend — in the last instance — on conformity to rules and conventions for their verisimilitude , and to distinguish them from naturalist tendencies whose verisimilitude makes claims to be grounded in social reality — or at least claims to represent what people believe to be true .
29 On US television , it may be the crime series subgenre which comes closest to naturalist verisimilitude , and certainly the eighties generation of Hill Street Blues and Cagney and Lacey ( 1981–8 ) seemed to resemble more closely what people believe to be true than the more apparently formulaic structures of Kojak ( 1973–7 ) , Starksy and Hutch ( 1975–80 ) and Charlie 's Angels ( 1976–81 ) or the more obviously cinematic forms of Dragnet ( 1951–8 ) .
30 Generic convention , that is , gives up its claim to refer to a world outside television , or to ‘ what people believe to be true ’ , and internalizes its play .
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