Example sentences of "ideas and [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 In this context , therefore , the research is about the transfer of ideas and institutions from a metropolitan centre to colonial countries .
2 It is not unlikely that in his crusading travels and meetings Edward garnered ideas and experience from the Roman world of the Mediterranean and sought to emulate that great legislator , his father-in-law , Alfonso X. Not less probable , however , is the influence of the church , and this at several different levels .
3 ‘ The chairman and committee 's role is to provide central focus and support , to encourage ideas and initiatives from everyone , not just the elected few , ’ she said .
4 The project aims to investigate : the extent to which science parks are assisting in the transfer of technical ideas and expertise from academics to commercial application in industry ; the relationship between success of parks and their location ; and , the implications of the division between the research end of British industry located in science parks , and industrial production .
5 BBC Advice , Ideas and Inspiration from your BBC experts
6 Advice , Ideas and Inspiration from your BBC experts
7 Careful searching through old junk shops and around antique markets may well produce endless ideas and inspiration from which you can work .
8 But as soon as you step inside the door , you can see it 's something different — with ideas and inspiration from all over the world .
9 At this time ( the late 1970s ) , I was teaching courses in the sociology of deviance to degree and social work students , and it seemed to me that certain key ideas and insights from this work could usefully be applied to the study of child abuse .
10 Unusual questions , ideas and solutions from the student should be treated with respect .
11 In effect what applied linguistics does is to enquire into cross-cultural accommodation : it transfers ideas and methods from different disciplinary cultures and seeks to demonstrate how they can be made coherent and effective in the different conditions of pedagogic practice .
12 The latest painting is a colourful mural in Ballybeen Estate , where artist Ken Parker has incorporated ideas and images from children 's paintings at Ballybeen Activity Centre .
13 Richard is joining us every month to pass on tips , ideas and news from the world of horticulture , and add a touch of humour too .
14 He knew how to extract ideas and information from people without ever making them feel sucked of vitality — because he never failed to give back as much as he took .
15 Ideas and techniques from developing countries could have special value in the energy-conscious future .
16 Archaeology itself is a form of intellectual theft — a discipline which steals ideas and techniques from other subjects to help in its understanding of the human past .
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