Example sentences of "hon. [noun] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Has my hon. Friend heard the call from the many people who run village halls about the burden that VAT imposes on their activities ?
2 Mr. Greenway : Has my right Hon. Friend seen the figures showing that at least one third of our churches and cathedrals have been vandalised by fire or in other ways in the past year ?
3 Has my right hon. Friend seen the good producer price figures issued today ?
4 Has my right hon. Friend seen the opinion poll in The Guardian this morning which shows very strong support for his stand on Europe , with the vast majority of people having confidence in the benefits for business purposes of a single market , but showing understandable scepticism about the implications of a single currency ?
5 Has my right hon. Friend seen the excellent report of Lancaster health authority , a copy of which I sent him , showing the immense progress that it has made during the past year — all within its budget ?
6 Has my right hon. Friend seen the reports from the German chambers of commerce which show that German industry has invested £7.8 billion in this country in recent years ?
7 Has my right hon. Friend seen the excellent proposals tabled by Sir David Williamson for the reform of the bureaucracy running the European Community ?
8 Has my hon. Friend seen the latest survey from the Institute of Purchasing and Supply which publishes a regular report based on surveys of purchasing managers throughout British industry , studying their purchasing activities and intentions .
9 Has my right hon. Friend seen the view of the chief constable of west Yorkshire , Mr. Peter Nobes , that the upsurge in the taking of motor vehicles has probably occurred since the change in the Criminal Justice Act 1988 , which reduced the unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle to a summary offence triable only at a magistrates court ?
10 The right hon. Gentleman identified the way in which some home help services have been moving towards home care services .
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